In the Dark

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Why... Why ​​​is she covered in blood?! Why is (S/N) (Y/N) covered in blood, that, Kurosaki Ichigo has to know. Not even Yoruichi knows how she became like this when she found the girl lying outside the opening to their hideout with blood splattered around her.

Yoruichi approaches (Y/N)'s body first, since the male seems to have been petrified on the spot. She sucks in a sharp breath when she sees the girl's eyes half-open. But they look dead... Deader than the dullness she is accustomed to back in the World of the Living. The blood rolling down her cheeks are not helping her assumptions either.

Pushing her thoughts away, she feels for a pulse, and is relieved to find that the (e/c)-eyed girl is still breathing. But it is barely there. If nothing is done, they will lose her.

"Ichigo! Quit standing there and help me carry her inside!" the woman quickly instructs.

"Oh. Right!"

Carefully, they take her inside the hideout to lay her down for Yoruichi to check what is wrong with her. Ichigo is silent all the while. This scene is taking him back to that moment when (Y/N) fell into a coma all those days ago. That sensation as if ice is running through his veins...

Yoruichi gently closes (Y/N)'s eyes as she kneels beside her. Her eyes are sharp as they scan over the injuries that she has treated and bandaged.

She has been cut up pretty badly... As if someone attacked her using a blade... The woman frowns. But no one could possibly find this place so easily...

She gazes at the girl's form. Blood is still seeping through her eyes it seems for the bandage is soaked with red. But the other injuries are healing nicely partly because of her abilities.


Yoruichi swivels her head around, seeing Ichigo whose eyes are locked on the girl's figure. A frown paints his expression.

"How is she?" he asks.

It takes a moment before Yoruichi answers him.

"...Better than when we found her at least," she replies. "But for the matter of when she will wake up, I am not sure..."

They don't need to wait long for an answer, for as soon as Yoruichi finishes her sentence, a raspy voice speaks out.


Never has Yoruichi seen someone move to another's side so fast before.

"(S/N)? What? What is it?"

"Let her speak, Ichigo," the woman reminds, sweatdropping as she places a hand on his shoulder. "You'll overwhelm her."

"It's... It's dark here..." the girl says in a low voice, close to a whisper. "...Is there bandage over my eyes?"

"Yeah. Yoruichi-san bandaged them." Ichigo halts. "...You were bleeding out of your eyes."

"Ah..." The two can see her nodding slowly. "I see..."

Alarmingly, (Y/N) tries to sit upright. Yoruichi quickly places a hand on her shoulder to push her back down.

"Don't push yourself, (Y/N)," she warns. "Your assaulter did a number on you. Did you see who it was?"

"...I can't tell..." is the (h/c)-ette's reply. She adamantly remains in her position as she holds onto Yoruichi's hand to stop the woman from pushing her back down. "My assailant...didn't mean to do it to me... He didn't know..."

Ichigo is growing impatient. He can't let the person who attacked his classmate get away that easily. The person injured her extremely. He had never seen her covered with so much blood before even if it wasn't hers.

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