Another Jail Break and More Unwanted News

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"Ah, a white butterfly just flew in," (Y/N) hears Uryu comment as he laughs to himself. "How cute... I wonder if it's spring here."

That laugh, though... The girl chuckles to herself.

Well, it seems like she might be the one blind to it this whole time because there actually is a slight opening at the top of the cell where a small bit of light can shine through. How had she not noticed that before? Come to think of it, how can they possibly be alive if they are trapped inside a completely sealed off place? All in all, she realizes how stupid she has been.

"He sees a butterfly and he talks to himself," Ganju mutters. "He's cracked. Just like the girl."

A rock hits him straight on his bandaged head. And the criminal who did it is sitting on the bed above Uryu's. The male abruptly stands up, shaking his fist at her.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Keep your comments to yourself, why don't you?" (Y/N) threatens.

"Well, deal with it!" He sits back down on his bed. "You're certainly harsh for someone called (Y/N)!"

"Well, my parents gave me that name, so deal with it." 

She sticks out her tongue, earning a tic mark from Ganju.

"You-! That's it! You're so done when I get out of these shackles!"

"You won't even be able to land a single hit, believe me."

"You wanna try me?!"

"This is way too early for an argument like this..." Sado mutters under his breath.

"Agreed..." Uryu says back. "Just why are these two so anti with each other, anyway?"

"How should I know?" But then, the dark-skinned male perks up. "Sh!"

The arguing couple halts their bicker. (Y/N) takes note of the loud noises outside and sits up from her relaxed position against the wall.

"What is it?" Ganju asks, clearly not understanding why they have to stop talking.

"How about you listen instead of talk?"

"Oh, shut up, weird girl. I wasn't talking to you."

"Dare say that again?"

"Enough, both of you," Uryu sternly reminds. "Just listen. It's coming closer."

"What are you doing?! He's gone mad! He's gone mad!"

​​​​​​(Y/N) furrows her brows. What is even going on out there?

"Don't you think they're steadily headed this way?" Ganju whispers.

"It reminds me of a scene out of a typical samurai drama..." Uryu mumbles.

"It's stop-!"


(Y/N) stands on her bed, hand on the hilt of her sword. Whatever it is that just landed inside the cell made a large hole on the roof. That doesn't even include the amount of dirt and stone that just fell in with the thing.

"Wh-What?! What's going on?!"

"What is this?!"

The dust clears away, revealing someone (Y/N) doesn't expect to see in moments like this.


Zaraki-san? She tightens her grip on her katana. Why is he here?

But then two others appear from behind him, in which one causes Ganju to shriek.

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