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(Y/N) hisses as her hand flies towards her eyes. Soleil is still hovering beside the Sōkyoku although Ichigo and Rukia are both safe.

"(Y/N)?" she hears Rukia call out to her. "What's wrong?"

Pain throbs at the back of the girl's hazy orbs. She shakes her head in hopes of getting rid of the pain. It doesn't completely go away, leaving behind a bout of dizziness. "Nothing..." She raises her head. "It's nothing."

Rukia doesn't avert her gaze. She stares intently at the (h/c)-ette whose eyes only stare straight ahead. They appear to be unfocused and hazy and oddly wide. The noirette's eyes widen. "Ichigo... Her..."

"You don't have to worry," Ichigo says. "Yoruichi-san said that it's temporary, although we don't know when she will recover."

"So..." the noirette begins. "What do you two plan to do now? Is there a way to disappear with so many eyes watching us?"

"We're gonna run away," Ichigo states simply.

Rukia frowns. "Impossible! They're Captains! We can't get away from them!"

Ichigo averts his gaze in annoyance. "Then I'll beat them up and run away."

A flapping of wings closes in on them. They see (Y/N) landing on the other side of the broken beam. She crouches on her knees, her eyes' unseeing gaze downwards.

"You won't be alone, Rukia-san," she assures. "Ishida-san, Inoue-san and Sado-san are here, too. Even Ganju-san and Hanataro-san."

"We'll get out of this safely," Ichigo follows up. "All of us."

Another wave of headache hits (Y/N) just as a commotion starts below them. She senses a familiar aura nearby, one she is glad to feel but guilty to face. She hangs her head, eyes tightly closed and teeth harshly biting onto her lips to bear with the pain.

What is wrong with me?!

"You've come, Renji!" Ichigo calls out.

"Renji!" Rukia shouts.

(Y/N) faintly registers the redhead calling Rukia's name.

"Thank goodness you're alive, Renji!"

"I figured you'd come!"

"Of course!" the Lieutenant shouts back. "Who'd save Rukia if I didn't come?!"

(Y/N) can taste blood on her tongue. By now, her figure is shivering. But the pain doesn't cease. She doesn't understand. What is this pain? Why does it hurt so much?


Ichigo, in an act of either pure stupidity or complete faith, just threw Rukia towards Renji, knocking the redhead over. He turns towards his classmate, only to find her curling into herself, shaking and holding onto her head.

"(S/N)? Can you hear me? Oi!"

The girl shows no sign of having listened to Ichigo's voice. He catches the sound of her low, pained whimpers, although she has tried her best to suppress them.



"Hold up!"

The redhead stops running to turn around and look at Ichigo again. "What is-?!"

He is silenced, eyes wide in surprise.

In Ichigo's arms is (Y/N), a pained expression on her face. Both Renji and Rukia can see her fast breathing rate at the sight of her chest rising and falling at a fast pace. Blood is rolling down her chin from her mouth.

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