Where Everything Goes Downhill...

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"Your sword?!"

"How could you lose your sword?!"

"I don't know...?"

How did she not notice that the familiar weight on her waist is gone? She can't be that inattentive. But, that aside, where is her katana? Did someone take it? If so, then who? She doesn't even remember the last time she held it.

Oh... Oh! She still had her katana while she waited for Ichigo to finish his training. She still had it by her side as she observed Byakuya and Renji's fight. Not until after she fell unconscious did she lose track of her katana's whereabouts.

"Okay, let's get things straight." Rukia rounds on (Y/N). "When was the last time you saw your sword?"

(Y/N) squints her eyes. She can still only see blurs and colours instead of a clear outline. "A few...moments ago? I was waiting for Kurosaki-san to finish his training. But then..."


The girl's eyes briefly move to Renji, who immediately looks away from her. "Certain things happened, and I don't know where it is now."

The noirette shakes her head. "That's too vague."

The three of them including Soleil found a ledge large enough for them to land and stand on once (Y/N) broke the news that she lost her katana.

"I mean..." The (h/c)-ette frowns. "The possible people that might know where my sword is would be Yoruichi-san and Kurosaki-san. But I don't know where the former is, and I can't possibly butt into Kurosaki-san's fight."

"Where were you when you had it the last time?"

"..." She glances at Renji again, but he adamantly refuses to look at her. Her frown deepens. "I don't think I have the right to tell you that, Rukia-san. I'm sorry."

The woman sighs. "So we have no other choice but to meet-"

"What are you three doing here?"

All of them flinch violently at the sudden voice despite the familiarity. (Y/N) rounds on the direction of the voice. "Yoruichi-san?"

She can only see a blur of orange and black in front of her as well as a tinge of dark brown. But the aura she senses confirms the identity of the person in front of her.

"That's me," the person says. "Why are you just standing here? I thought Ichigo told you to take the girls away, Renji?"

"The idiot lost her sword," the redhead explains unhelpfully. "So we had to stop to brainstorm the possibilities of its whereabouts."

"Abarai-san, if you only want to state things as untruthful as they are not, please remain quiet and let Rukia-san and I do the talking."

Yoruichi completely ignores their small bicker. "Sword?" (Y/N) sees the blur in front of her shift. "It's this one, isn't it?"

With her eyes narrowed, the girl reaches out for whatever object that Yoruichi is offering. Her relief shoots through the roof, when she feels the familiar surface of her scabbard and the warmth flooding from the tips of her fingers where they connect with the scabbard all the way through her whole body. Her hand goes to the hilt of her blade, pulling it out slightly and re-sheathing it.

"Thank you, Yoruichi-san," she says with a deep bow. "Thank you so much." She straightens up. "I don't know what I would do if it is truly lost."

By her side, Soleil croons softly.

"No biggie," the woman says lightly. "Say, I have to go now. Take care of yourself, all right, kid? And you two." She refers to the two Soul Reapers. "Look out for her as well. There is an unknown force at play here." Her voice grows sombre mid-sentence.

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