On the Move

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"Urgent alert! Urgent alert! Intruders in the Seireitei! All Squads get into position! I repeat! Intruders in..."

That announcement is what (Y/N) wakes up to with a sudden jerk. Since when did she fall asleep? Anyway, it seems like Ichigo and the others are finally here. A smirk quirks the corners of her lips before she stands up from her seat. Yet again, she grabs her sword and pricks her tattoo using it.

Once again, she finds herself by the window, looking up to the night sky. Or perhaps, dawn. The sun is peeking out in the horizon already. She is asleep for that long, huh?

More importantly, though, there are bright flashes in the sky, coming from the impact of something clashing with the Soul Membrane that is protecting the Seireitei.

"Ah! Phoenix-chan! You're not going away, are you?"

The sound of the young girl's voice almost makes her jump out of her skin. It turns out that a certain pink-haired girl is hanging upside down in front of her window, peering into her room.

(Y/N) heaves a relieved sigh. "Yachiru-san. Don't do that. You surprised me."

"Sorry! Ne, ne!" The child jumps into her room. "You're gonna go after those Ryoka, too? Come on! Ken-chan's gonna go after them, as well, so you can join us!"

"Ah, n-no thank you, Yachiru-san." (Y/N) flashes her a smile. "I will go when I'm ready. I still have yet to perfect one of my techniques."

"Oh... Okay!" The girl jumps onto the ledge of the window. "Don't take too long! Bye bye!"

And then, she disappears.

(Y/N) releases the breath she doesn't realize she was holding. To be completely honest, the young girl unnerves her despite finding her a very adorable child. Beneath all those innocence and cheerfulness of a child, she can be quite observant. Paired with the fact that she is Kenpachi's lieutenant, (Y/N) doesn't want her intentions to be found out. Be it she feels guilty for betraying Yamamoto's trust in this matter, but she can't let her friends get hurt all for the sake of saving Rukia. She will aid them and heal their hurts whenever she can while finding a way to break Rukia out.

Seems like the captains and lieutenants are making their move. 

She is able to see her friends suspended in mid-air momentarily, before they disappear from view because of the bluish light that swirls around them.

Time to get out of here.

She knows what she will do is going to be seen by everyone else within the vicinity. And she doesn't care. Those are her friends. What kind of person is she to leave them be like that?

So she leaps out of the window, at the same time, summoning her phoenix. "Come forth!"

She lets her ride carry her halfway through, before jumping up high with all her strength. At a certain height, she crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"O soul lit aflame..."

She throws her arms to her sides, outstretched.

"Lend me the burning embers of the one who protects."

Every Soul Reaper who watches the Ryoka's arrival now sees the sight of the girl whom they have been housing for days, standing above them with her hands brought out to her front, palms open and her whole body glowing with a bright orange light. The light then scatters away from her and separates itself to follow the four directions in which the Ryoka have split to at a fast rate. Those lights then wrap themselves around the falling Ryoka, subtly slowing down their momentum until the point they disappear behind the buildings.

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