That Which are Better Left Unsaid

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"Leave Kuchiki Rukia here, and withdraw," he says.

Like hell he will. Renji doesn't care that the people opposing him now are Captains, he will not let Rukia go. But his questions never cease.

"Captain Aizen? Why are you alive-?" He halts. "No. Never mind that. What did you just say?"

"How odd..." Aizen mutters. "You must have heard me. I said, "Leave Kuchiki Rukia here, and withdraw.", Abarai-kun."

The redhead doesn't even need to think hard into it.

"I refuse."


Orihime's hand flies to her mouth. "(Y/N)-chan?!"

"(Y/N)-san!" Uryu is instantly by the girl's side, carefully lifting her head onto his lap.

"(S/N)!" Ichigo calls out in a panic. The male pushes himself off the ground, hovering over the girl where he manages to get a good look at her condition.

This... His eyes widen. It's just like when Yoruichi-san and I found her by the cliff...

His gaze flies towards her dull, half-lidded eyes. They are not bloodied like before. He continues to trace her figure, searching for any other external injury, but finds none. So her injuries are internal... But what is the cause?

Uryu grits his teeth. He bends down, hanging his head. Poison? No... This can't be poison... He grips (Y/N)'s cold hand in his. I can still feel her steady pulse.

"What's wrong with her?" comes Ganju's voice from behind them.

"I don't know!" Ichigo answers, still in a frenzy.

Orihime is holding onto (Y/N)'s other hand, eyes swimming with unshed tears. She can't bear to see her friend like this, what more the one she holds so dear. She wants to help her... But her own energy is almost drained. The ginger closes her eyes tightly, cursing her weakness.


"What?" said noiret mumbles.

"Can you carry her?"

"Is that even a question? Of course I can."

There is a weak grip on his and Orihime's hands, which brings their attention on (Y/N) faster than lightning.


The (h/c)-ette blinks once, frowns and closes her eyes.

"There..." she wheezes as a droplet of blood trickles down her chin. "There need to carry me. I can still...walk perfectly...fine...on my own."

This once...just this once...Uryu wants to be firm with her. 

"You have no say in this, (Y/N)-san," he says, much to everyone else's shock. "I'm sorry. But in your condition, no matter how much you struggle and protest, I will carry you still."

The girl falls silent. And she remains that way even when the group is on their way down the Sōkyoku Hill. But they haven't even managed to reach halfway down when a voice penetrates their minds.

"Attention all Gotei 13 Captains, Lieutenants, and Seated Officers...and also the Ryoka. (S/N)-san, if you're hearing this, I'm addressing you as well. This is Squad 4 Lieutenant, Kotetsu Isane. This is an emergency announcement...from Squad 4 Captain, Unohana Retsu, and I, Kotetsu Isane!"

The urgent voice of the Lieutenant brings panic even to (Y/N). She half opens her eyes. Her heartbeat drums in her ears, anticipating the newsbreak.

"Everything I am about to tell you is the truth!"

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