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A giant grey wolf appeared in front of me, standing on his rear legs as he let out another deafening roar, sending a shiver of dread down my spine. Saliva was dripping from its mouth as if the creature before me was possessed by a mad disease. His bright green eyes were focused on my attacker and with its razor-sharp canines, that were as big as my forearm, he swiftly seized the arm of Visha in its powerful jaw and ripped it in a brutal motion from her body.

Blood erupted all over me as Visha cried out in agonizing pain. The crowd screamed in panic, people frantically shoving and running over each other as they tried to get away from the unfolding horror in front of them as quickly as possible.  

The grey wolf was accompanied by three other wolves, all of them much smaller in size as they were running on their four legs. However, with their erected fur, murderous expression and furious snarls that emanated between their sharp canines, they weren't any less terrifying. My breath quickened as the wolves raced across the square at high speed, rapidly approaching my position. What if they were coming for me too? 

The skinners reacted quickly to the unexpected attack. They took their tar-soaked spears and arrows and set them on fire with the help of the torches of the town, before hurling the spears at the wolves with considerable force. But the wolves were fast, swiftly moving from side to side, avoiding the assault.

Fire-lit arrows danced through the night sky, crashing down around us and setting buildings on fire. Fear gripped me, holding me in the midst of the chaos, unable to move to a safer place. This couldn't be real. It had to be a twisted and cruel trick of my mind. 

Suddenly, the grey wolf jumped in front of me again, blocking me from an approaching arrow. The wolf made an uncomfortable noise as the arrow pierced through his shoulder. However, he paid no attention to it but directed his focus to me.

In the middle of the chaos, a strange yet calming sensation washed over me as the wolf's eyes locked into mine. Even though his fur was drenched in blood and his canines were prominently visible even with his mouth closed, I was not afraid of him. His presence seemed to radiate a certain aura. It was as if something connected us, evoking a sense of trust and familiarity that I couldn't quite explain. A puzzled expression came over his face like he was experiencing the same feeling as I was. 

Before I could comprehend what was happening any further, his demeanour changed into determination and his big hands grabbed my shoulders carefully, forcing me to stand on my feet. He nodded to the town gate across the square and I understood what he wanted me to do. With a strange yet calming certainty I quickly ran along with him as his huge body blocked me from the ongoing attack around us. Every fibre of my body was assuring me, that the Werewolf would keep me safe.

In the corner of my eye, I could see that the captivated Werewolf was now set free from her shackles and put on the back of a small white Werewolf before they rushed through the same gate as we were heading. A blonde Werewolf beside us was fighting Gunner, he threw knives at the wolf with such a speed that it almost seemed impossible.

All of a sudden Lucien stood in front of us, blocking our path. The Werewolf pushed my body behind him, snarling at our opponent.

"I never thought I would see your kind," Lucien spoke, his wild eyes set on the Werewolf. "Imagine what they would give me for you." With his fire-lit spear, he slowly crept in our direction, reducing the distance between us. My protector let out another snarl, warning the skinner to not get any closer.

Lucien laughed as if this was nothing but a game to him. He didn't show any fear, as if he was the predator and the wolf the prey. I was taken aback at his recklessness, if the wolf in front of me didn't try to protect me I would assume that he was the monster. Indestructible with its powerful and deadly appearance.

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now