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My insides were on fire. That's the nearest I could come to explain what was happening to me.

It was as if every fibre in my body was on the verge of shattering. My muscles kept pulsing in such a painful way that one might expect to black out from such agony. Yet, my body seemed to be on overdrive, keeping me painfully aware of every sharp stab.

The ache in my head was excruciating and the tears kept flowing down my cheeks. Despite my clouded vision, I could still make out Egon's face. His expression was twisted into one of pure terror as his hands roamed over my body and face. His fingers clutched at my arms as if he were trying to pull the pain away from me. Even amidst the chaos and the pain, his touch was warm and comforting. I wanted to let him know that his presence had this kind of effect on me, but all that escaped my lips were tortured gasps.

Egon's hands gently cupped my face, his eyes darting away as he spoke to someone else. Fragments of the conversation reached me as I struggled to focus on every word.

"...pack doctor in here."


"Stop... now!"

"Esmara," Egon called out to me, returning his attention back to me as he wiped the ongoing tears from my face. I locked my eyes with him and tried to listen to what he wanted to say, but once again, I only caught some snippets. "... be alright."

The pain I experienced seemed to be playing tricks with my mind as I witnessed how Egon's piercing blue eyes morphed into an ominous shade of black. His dark eyes were brimming with unshed tears, a sight I would never witness from a man like him, especially not for someone as ordinary as me. 

"... fixing this." Egon kept on soothing me with his reassuring words.

Another relentless wave of pain surged through me, causing my hands to clench into tight fists. The intensity of it drove my nails into my palms. I wanted the pain to stop, but it showed no mercy. My body kept screaming in protest and I couldn't stop the cries of pain that slipped from my mouth. I needed that doctor to hurry.

Suddenly, Egon's body stiffens. A deep growl escaped from his lips as he shifted his body. He positioned himself in a way that he was hovering over me while maintaining his hold on me as if he were shielding me from something. I noticed how his fingers started to elongate, his nails becoming big and sharp, turning into deadly weapons. Yet, despite their danger, his grip on me remained surprisingly gentle.

Another familiar voice filled the room, though I couldn't immediately put a face to it.

"What is... ?"

I managed to turn my head and saw Leif standing before us, his stance defensive. He was facing Alpha Galdric, who seemed to just entered the room.

"For your sake... come near... rip you apart."

Alpha Galdric's eyes widened as he looked at my direction, his face betrayed his intense confusion.

"Not possible... she's your...?"

I felt my heart beating furiously, thundering in my chest. The pain became unbearable and more tears streamed down my face. Didn't they understand that I'll be torn apart if they don't hurry up?

I turned my eyes back to Egon, finding his unwavering gaze fixed on Alpha Galdric while a low, rumbling growl continued to emanate from his chest. I had to make him understand that I needed a doctor now. I couldn't bear the pain any longer. With great effort, I manage to croak my thoughts out, "It... hurts... so much."

Egon's eyes immediately snapped back to mine, his gaze turning as soft as his voice. "I know... on its way." He spoke with so much agony in his voice, that it felt like a dagger through my heart. I yearned to reach out, to hold him close, but my body refused to respond.

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now