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I had underestimated just how enthusiastic the shifters were about today's fights.

Everywhere I looked, shifters were loudly singing and dancing to the music played by shifters who had brought their instruments along with them. Drinks flowed freely while a few shifters wandered around with trays full of various foods, selling them as snacks during the event. Children ran between the stands, wearing large wolf masks as costumes. Some shifters had even started betting, with predictions carefully recorded by a volunteer walking through the crowd collecting the stakes.

I might have been able to enjoy the excitement if it weren't for the grim reality beneath it all.

Before Egon faced his fight against Silas, there were five more matches scheduled today where shifters were being executed for their crimes. Five more matches which turned into an occasion that people found enjoyable.

I sat right in the middle of the arena, in a secluded section reserved solely for me. It was clearly meant for elite visitors, offering the best view of the entire arena.

I hated it.

Not only did it provide a perfect view of the fights, but it also made me the literal centre of attention.

The sun was as hot as it had been the previous days, but the large tent stretched above my head provided the desired shade.

We were so far above the ground that every direction offered a view of the expansive brown-red terrain of the dry valley, framed by the towering walls of the surrounding mountains.

Rolf and Leif sat beside me. They were both present for this special occasion, not wanting to take any risks with so many shifters in one place, even though they kept reassuring me that nothing would happen.

I wasn't afraid either, as there were not only two pairs of guards positioned at each entrance to my secluded section, but Hamlin, Egon's Beta, was also sitting directly behind us. Anyone would be crazy to try anything.

My gaze drifted back to the spectators. Each time, I discovered something else I hadn't noticed in the crowd before, and when I didn't, Rolf was quick to draw my attention to another detail.

"See over there," Rolf said as he gestured towards the crowd on my right.

I tried to find what he was pointing at, but there were so many people that I didn't know where to look.

"The man with the grey fur collar," Rolf added, noticing my confusion.

I still couldn't find the man, but I was more surprised to hear that someone here was wearing a fur collar in this heat!

Rolf sighed. "It's easy to forget how limited your human senses are."

I raised my eyebrow at him accusingly, but Rolf didn't notice and continued cheerfully. "It doesn't matter anyway. That man over there is Torin Åkesson, he is a Berserker. I've heard he can shift into a white bear, a very rare transformation."

A Berserker. The term had terrified me just a few weeks ago, but now it piqued my curiosity. I adjusted my position, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man.

"He is the Jarl of his clan," Rolf continued. "His clan is the largest on the continent of Nórdørheim."

"Jarl?" I asked, confused.

Rolf nodded. "Yes, it's their term for an Alpha. He arrived this morning with some of his clan members. Apparently, one of them is challenging a Werewolf in the arena."

The excitement in Rolf's voice was unmistakable as he spoke. However, I was less thrilled about the news.

"Great, more extreme violence for us to watch."

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now