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Suddenly, Leif and Rolf stood in front of Egon, blocking his path towards me. "Alpha, snap out of it," Rolf said as he and Leif held onto Egon's arms tightly, their muscles tensed from the effort. However, Egon appeared unaffected by his words and with a roar, he broke free and grabbed Rolf by the neck, lifting him effortlessly into the air.

A surge of adrenaline shot through me propelling me to my feet as I rushed towards them. "Stop it!" I cried out, my voice trembling with fear.

Leif intervened immediately, holding me back with a firm hand. "Luna! Not now, it's too dangerous."

I looked at Leif with wide eyes. Egon, dangerous? The thought seemed incomprehensible. He wouldn't hurt me, right?

Yet, when my gaze returned to Egon, it was as if I were staring into the eyes of a madman.

With incredible force, Egon threw Rolf against the wall, causing several chunks of stones to fall from the impact.

"Egon, please! What are you doing?" I sobbed as tears streamed down my face. My heart shattered as I watched Rolf collapsed to the ground, unmoving.

But Egon remained unresponsive and my instincts urged me to reach out to him again. However, Leif's grip tightened, stopping me in my tracks. "Luna, please," he pleaded. "He wants to mark you."

Mark me? My eyes widened at the realisation. Egon had promised me he wouldn't do it until I was ready. Why the sudden change?

Suddenly, Egon turned his attention to us and proceeded towards our direction with measured and deliberate steps, like a predator closing in on its prey. Leif immediately positioned himself in front of me. "Luna, you need to run," he urged, determination etched into every line of his face. "I'll try to hold him off."

What?! I didn't want to leave him behind. It was obvious that he stood no chance against Egon's overwhelming strength.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from Egon's Lycan and for the first time in my life, I felt something I never thought I'd experience in his presence– fear.

He looked terrifying, not because of his savage appearance, but because of the unfamiliar intensity in his eyes. I didn't recognise him. The man I knew was nowhere to be found. And then it hit me– I was approaching him in the wrong way. I didn't understand why it took me so long to realise that it wasn't Egon who approached me.

"Ares," I pleaded, desperation lacing my words. "Please, stop it. You're terrifying me."

Upon hearing my words, Ares immediately halted in his tracks, his eyes locking onto mine. It was evident that he was wrestling with conflicting emotions.

He let out a pained whimper and I instantly longed to reach out to him, to assure him that everything was alright. I took a step forward, but Leif's steadfast presence held me back.

"It's okay, he won't hurt me," I reassured him, my instincts confirming the truth of my words. But Leif shook his head, refusing to move.

An unexpected rush of determination suddenly consumed me, as if I were no longer in control of my own actions. I felt my posture straightened instinctively as I turned my gaze towards Leif. "Move, now," I commanded, surprised by the authority in my voice.

Leif immediately complied, bowing his head in submission as he stepped aside. However, I barely registered it as my focus was immediately drawn back to Ares. With cautious steps, I approached him.

"Ares," I murmured in a hushed voice, pleading for his attention. I was desperate for him to hear me, "I am fine."

The firm determination in his dark gaze gradually gave way to a rush of emotions, softening his gaze. With a gentle gesture, I brushed my hand against his fur, watching as his eyes returned to their familiar blue shade before he shifted back into his human form.

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now