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Ida loosened the laces of my corset, her fingertips tracing each knot with delicate care. Despite her gentle touch, each pull sent a sharp pang of discomfort rippling through my body. As I let out a hiss of pain, Ida's gaze shot up with an apologetic expression, her eyes brimming with regret. "I'm sorry, Luna," she murmured softly, her tone laced with genuine concern as she met my gaze.

"It's all right," I assured her with a smile, though the discomfort persisted with every tug. She proceeded with care, being even more cautious in her movements.

As the final pull freed me from the corset, I loosened my skirts, letting them fall to the ground in the process, leaving me standing in only a plain white dress, concealing my undergarments. Pepin gestured towards the bed. "Please, have a seat, Luna," he suggested with a warm smile.

I complied, sinking onto the soft mattress as Pepin moved closer, a candle in hand. "Now, Luna, I need you to follow the light of this candle with your eyes, please," he instructed.

I did as he asked, though the flickering flame made me feel slightly dizzy. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my head, causing me to wince. Pepin quickly set the candle aside and retrieved a small notebook from his briefcase, down some notes with his quill.

I studied him closely as Ida tended to my injured hands. I couldn't help but wonder about his connection to Egon. Clearly, he was someone important to Egon, given his awareness of the bond Egon and I shared. "How do you know Egon?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity any longer.

Pepin glanced up from his notebook with a warm smile. "The Alpha King approached me a few weeks ago," he began. "He informed me of his human mate and offered me a position in his service. It was quite an honour, as you can imagine."

Surprised by the ease with which Egon had divulged our bond, I couldn't help but inquire further. After all, he had reminded me several times that we had to be careful. Why was Pepin an exception? "Did Egon tell you that I'm his mate?" I questioned, surprised.

Pepin nodded, setting aside his quill. "Indeed he did. I must admit, it was quite a revelation to learn that a shifter had a human mate."

Still taken aback, I pressed on. "But why you? Why did Egon tell you about our bond?" As soon as the words left my lips, I realized have sounded impolite. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude."

Pepin waved off my apology with a smile. "No need for apologies, Luna. I understand your confusion. I think the primary motivation for seeking me out was that I, as a fellow human, possess a deeper understanding of the human body than most shifters. We know our limits, what can make us sick and how we can heal. Shifters often struggle to grasp the complexities of human biology."

Listening to Pepin's explanation, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Egon's consideration. He always went out of his way to ensure my well-being.

After securing the bandages around my hands, Ida shifted her focus to my legs. As she carefully raised the hem of my dress, Pepin continued. "The second reason the Alpha King sought me out is because of my lineage. I am a descendant of a High Lord. And it's the very reason why the Alpha King is certain he can trust me and how I, in return, have never been afraid of him."

I looked at him in surprise. "A High Lord?"

Pepin nodded eagerly as he reached into his pocket to retrieve a round object. The pin in his hand was engraved with a sun surrounded by a cluster of swords. The outer rim, crafted from gold, contrasted sharply with the sapphire backdrop. Its size, nearly matching the span of his palm, ensured it would not go unnoticed.

"My ancestor was Gregory Cyrelle," Pepin began, noticing my curiosity. "He was a member of the Supreme Council." He gestured to the small swords on the pin. "Each sword represents a member. Sixteen in total. It was an elite group, with two representatives from every species on this planet, both humans and shifters."

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now