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The evening's cold breeze brought relief to my flushed cheeks. A blush kept returning across my face as I thought back about the overwhelming moment I shared with Egon. It was like I was levitating, my stomach fluttered as I thought back of his intense gaze, how he entranced me entirely. The sensation when I spoke his name was something I couldn't shake.

I could feel my cheeks redden once more as I tripped over yet another loose stone on my path. I needed to pay better attention to my surroundings, I kept on stumbling the entire time. However, Egon's presence kept returning to my thoughts. What was going on with me? It was like my mind was possessed, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I arrived at my cabin much sooner than expected, having to abruptly halt my thoughts. I suddenly remembered that Leif and Rolf were trailing behind me, my thoughts had consumed me so completely that I had forgotten their presence.

I turned around, a wave of embarrassment washing over me as I fixed my eyes on them.

Rolf still regarded me with that same broad smile that hadn't left his face since we'd met. Leif's expression was much more serious, yet, he too held a friendly demeanour as he observed me. They gazed at me patiently, it was clear they awaited something, as though they were expecting something from me.

A period of silence settled between us as we maintained eye contact. The quiet stretched on as I was unsure of what to say and it started to make me feel nervous.

Suddenly it struck me that I hadn't even thanked them. Lost in my distracted thoughts, even basic courtesy had slipped my mind. They probably waited for me to express my gratitude. I felt like a complete fool for forgetting something so simple.

"Thank you for walking me home," I stammered quickly, hoping I didn't come across as impolite.

"It's our pleasure," Rolf responded. His smile was so broad that I began to ponder if his cheeks were beginning to ache from the width of it. "If you need anything else, do not hesitate to call for us," he added before they both turned around and made their way back towards the big mansion.

Once they disappeared from view, I turned my attention back to my cabin and entered the house with a sigh. I've been acting odd lately.

I couldn't help but feel like a stranger to myself. My thoughts and emotions are all over the place. Usually, I'm very resolute in my ways. Always comfortable with the familiar, which I was content with. Now it feels like my world's been turned upside down. Each day brings a new surprise that seemed to only present itself to me. As if I've been dancing on the edge of reality, swaying to a tune only I can hear.

With my mind full of thoughts, I headed straight to my bedroom, eager to see how my father was doing.

However, my heart skipped a beat when I realized Marielle was seated in the chair beside him.

"Marielle," I uttered, my voice tinged with surprise, "what are you doing here?"

Marielle glanced up at me with an apologetic smile, as if I had caught her in something she would have preferred to delay. Steam rose from the bowl of soup in her hands as she fed my father.

"Before you object, it's important you understand that this is entirely my choice. There's nothing you could have said to influence it," Marielle began to explain as she placed the bowl of soup beside her on the table. "Tauriel and I have decided to stay with you and your father."

My jaw dropped in surprise. Despite her words, a sense of guilt washed over me. I found it difficult enough to come to terms with Cyrus staying behind. But now, with Marielle and her daughter choosing to stay behind for my sake, how could I possibly agree to this without any objection?

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now