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Four strangers stood before me, all greeting me with friendly smiles. They all shared the same dark hair and tanned skin. Their clothing was made of vibrant colours, all marked with fine embroidery. Despite their similar attire, subtle distinctions made each outfit unique in its own way.

The woman who had entered first wore a flowing purple dress that was loosely wrapped around her. The fabric draped off her shoulders, leaving them exposed. The sunlight played upon her long, dark hair that cascaded in soft waves around her. Her emerald green eyes stood out dramatically against her skin tone. She was beautiful, almost to the point that it was impossible to look away.

The girl standing next to her was dressed in a yellow dress, her skirt made of layered ruffles. The fabric on her shoulders was slightly puffed, adding a subtle grace to the attire. Her hair was woven into a single braid that stretched down to her hips. She gazed at me with a wide grin, revealing dimples on either side of her cheeks. 

Beside her stood a young man, he couldn't be much older than the girl. He had a tall and slender build, yet his red robe hugged his figure perfectly as if it was tailored just for him. With his hair neatly styled back, it was evident that he paid close attention to his appearance.

A slightly older woman stood behind them. Her dark hair was bundled up in a large knot on top of her head. The orange dress she was wearing had long sleeves that enveloped her arms completely. Her skirt featured a rippling hemline, the edge adorned with beadwork patterns.

Both their appearances and their choice of clothing indicated their foreign origin clearly.

"Ah, you are awake," the older woman spoke, her voice calm yet friendly. "My name is Amaranta Delmar. I trust you've been briefed on our presence by your mate."

I nodded, struggling to find my words. Egon's words about Naguals repeated continuously in my thoughts, an effort to assure myself that they wouldn't unexpectedly take over my mind.

"You're afraid," a soft voice on my left suddenly spoke. I locked eyes with the woman in purple as her brows furrowed slightly, displaying her concentration. Her eyes remained fixed on me as she continued. "Even with your mate beside you. Odd."

Amaranta nodded approvingly at the woman's observation. "Well sensed, Zafira. What else can you tell?"

The woman, Zafira, took one last intense gaze at me before closing her eyes, "She is confused, almost torn. Trapped between her thoughts and perceptions. But I also detect something else, conflicting with her other feelings. She feels safe and at ease. As if she belongs here."

A wave of astonishment washed over me. I was aware that my face could easily betray my thoughts and emotions, yet this was something unlike anything I'd ever experienced. She didn't just read my emotions, she understood them as if they were her own. I didn't like it. I felt exposed as if my boundaries were erased.

"Enough," Egon's voice cut sharply, showing a hint of annoyance as he addressed the woman. "My mate is not accustomed to our ways, can you please be more considerate?"

"Ah, yes, how foolish of me," Zafira apologized sincerely. Despite Egon's sharp tone, she maintained a friendly expression. "I got carried away for a moment, I am sorry."

"No, I must take the blame for this," Amaranta interjected Zafira, taking responsibility. "I should've been more thoughtful."

She gestured towards the boy and girl who had been watching everything in silence all this time. The boy had a serious expression as he scribbled down notes in the book he carried. "Zafira, Isandro, and Calista here are under my guidance," Amaranta continued. "Humans rarely step through our doors you see. The last time was when I was a young pupil myself, precisely 113 years ago."

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now