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Another crumpled piece of paper found its way into the overflowing basket. Frustration bubbled inside me like a simmering cauldron. Writing proved to be far more challenging than I ever imagined.

Each time I tried to shape the letters with my quill, I left behind a trail of smudged ink and illegible scrawls. But even if I could master my writing skills, without a book as a reference I struggled to recall how to shape the letters into something coherent.

With a heavy sigh, I pushed away from the desk and collapsed onto the nearby sofa, my head spinning with self-doubt. Tears threatened to spill over as insecurity surged through my mind.

It was one thing not to possess the sharp senses or strength of a shifter, as it was something I couldn't change even if I wanted to. But to struggle with something as basic as reading and writing was a bitter pill to swallow.

My troubled thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Startled, I straightened up. Could that be Pepin? He mentioned returning in an hour but has it been that long already? What if I answered the door and find someone else? Perhaps I should pretend I wasn't here. However, before I could decide, the door swung open.

Relief washed over me as I caught sight of Pepin's smiling face. I wondered if he ever had a bad day. His constant smile seemed permanently etched upon his features.

But almost as if he could read my mind, his smile faltered, concern clouding his expression as he hurried towards me. "Luna, is everything alright?"

I realized my eyes must be red from crying and hastily wiped away any evidence from my cheeks. Forcing a smile, I nodded. "Yes, sorry. I'm fine."

Pepin persisted, his gaze scanning my face. "Are you sure you're not in pain?"

"No, it's not that. I'm fine," I reassured him.

But it was clear that Pepin wasn't convinced as his gaze swept over the room, lingering on the pile of crumpled papers. Understanding dawned on his features, and he turned back to me with a sympathetic smile. "Struggling with writing, I see."

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "It's harder than I thought."

Pepin's smile was warm and reassuring. "It's perfectly normal to find it challenging, Luna. Reading and writing are privileges reserved for the nobility within our kind. You're being too hard on yourself."

What he was saying was true, but the weight of my shortcomings was pressing down on me like a heavy cloak.

"I should have informed the Alpha so he could help you," Pepin continued, his expression turning apologetic. "It's my fault."

Panic surged through me at the thought of Egon discovering my shortcomings. "Please, don't tell him," I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation.

Pepin looked surprised by my request. "Why not?" he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

I hesitated, not sure if he would understand. But eventually confessed. "I already feel so inferior to him as a human. The fact that I can't even read or write only makes it worse."

Pepin's compassionate gaze met mine. "You don't give your mate enough credit," he said, his tone gentle. "He understands more than you think. He's gone to great lengths to understand humans better. Every book I've given him, he's devoured in a day and he was always hungry for more."

His words touched me deeply, but it wasn't surprising. Egon's dedication was unwavering as ever, and he approached everything with such seriousness and precision. I was grateful beyond words that he was my mate.

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now