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I glanced around anxiously, my mind racing. This moment had been the focus of my thoughts for weeks. We'd gone over the plan so many times, refining and perfecting it. It had to work. There was no doubt in my mind.

From my concealed spot in the dim corner of the bustling kitchen, I took in the chaos of the whirlwind of activity around me. Steam rose from dozens of simmering pots, filling the air with a hazy mist. The hiss and sputter of sizzling food mingled with the low murmur of the cooks exchanging instructions.

Everyone hurried around, preparing for the grand feast tonight. The birthday of the future Alpha was no small event, and the entire castle was alive with excitement.

No one noticed me sitting here. No one except my best friend, Theon.

I glanced over my shoulder to find Theon's green eyes dancing with excitement as he looked back at me. We couldn't mind link as I did with the shifters, but we never had to. His eyes sent a clear message as they flicked towards the large pot hanging over the crackling fire. It was the perfect target. Unguarded and unattended.

I gave Theon a quick nod and clenched my fist around the handful of berries hidden in my palm. It was now or never!

I took a deep breath and sprang into action. I moved quickly and silently as I slid out of my hiding spot. Weaving through the chaos with the agility I had honed over years of practice. Being the fastest shifter in my year certainly had its perks. No one noticed me as I made my way to the pot.

The heat from the fire was intense, but I ignored it, peering over the edge of the pot to see the creamy, bubbling soup within. Perfect. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, I lifted my hand over the pot, ready to drop the berries in.

"Egon Rohan von Amsellhein! What do you think you're doing?"

I looked up into the stern gaze of Ruby Sterling, the head cook. Her face was covered in flour and her dark blonde curls peeked out from beneath her crooked cap. Her eyes were narrowed in disapproval, yet I could hear the underlying amusement in her voice.

"Nothing," I replied with an innocent grin. "Just wanted a taste of your delicious soup, Ruby."

Ruby's eyes narrowed further. "Show me what's in your hand, boy."

I sighed, knowing it was futile to resist. Ruby always got her way. I reluctantly opened my hand, revealing the handful of purple berries.

She examined the berries and shook her head, though I could see the corners of her mouth twitching. "Purpura berries, eh? Planning to ruin my soup with these?"

"Come on, Ruby," I pleaded. "Just think how funny it will be when all the guests are walking around with purple tongues. Imagine the faces of those stern berserkers."

Ruby's strict expression wavered, and she chuckled. "Or the serious kitsunes trying to keep their composure."

I grinned. "Exactly! Just this once, Ruby. Only this soup."

She laughed again but shook her head, tucking the berries into the pocket of her apron. "I'm sorry, Prince Egon. Your father would have my head if he found out I helped you with one of your pranks. Now get out of my kitchen. And take Theon with you."

Ruby gave me a gentle push towards the door, calling out louder, "I know you're here too, Theon!"

Theon emerged from behind the barrels, grinning innocently. "You're no fun, Ruby," he teased.

She laughed, swatting at him playfully. "Out, both of you! And no more trouble or I'll be the one turning your tongues purple."

Theon and I fled from the kitchen, laughing like lunatics as we sprinted through the dimly lit underground corridors, our footsteps echoing off the cold stone walls.

Shifters - The King of Wolves - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now