First Meeting

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Freminet looked up from his dinner in confusion as Arlecchino suddenly bright two new children into the small but spacious dining hall. The once loud room was instantly silent, so silent you could hear the wind outside (even with all the windows closed).

Arlecchino cleared her throat loudly before speaking in her usual, threatening tone "please welcome Lyney and Lynette, they will be staying here from now on...make them feel at home". That last line made Freminet shiver, how he managed to survive here, he doesn't know. Arlecchino continued her speech, and with Freminet becoming less and less interested, he started playing with his potatoes. Shaping them into little mountains, like the ones you find in Liyue.

Finally, he was snapped out of his daydreams when he heard his name. "Freminet, please raise your hand, I will not ask again", said Arlecchino, with a harsh and angry voice. He looked up to see Arlecchino giving him a death stare, he had to hold in his tears if he wanted to make a good impression. With his arm shaking, the small boy slowly raised his hand, the other gripping Pers...trying to overcome his fear and sadness.

Father pointed over to him, whilst staring at the...twins? The boy nodded as he took his sister's hand and both walked over to me. They dragged out the wooden chairs, causing loud noises to echo through the hall. Father watched this happen, her face shifting from extreme irritation to relaxed, "I trust that you will give them a warm welcome Freminet", she spoke calmly before leaving the hall, slamming the doors behind her as she left.

The 4 year old boy could feel two sets of eyes on him, he slowly turned to face the set of new children. Both seeming extremely scared. One was showing it quite well, fidgeting with her ribbon and the tablecloth, with a solemn look of worry on her face. The other...not so much, he was just staring at the ceiling, not bothering to socialize like the other kids around us, sometimes staring at him when he thinks that he wasn't looking.

Slowly, Freminet lifted Pers out from under the table and towards the siblings. He pulled slightly on the boy's shirt, causing him to become startled and defensive, Freminet hid his face behind the little robot penguin, scared to what he was going to do. The boy finally calmed down as Freminet felt a small hand stroke the hands that were gripping on Pers, the small gesture caused Freminet to lower Pers slightly, he was still afraid, but it would sure pass.

Because they were all sat so far away, the other kids didn't care about them, as Freminet was known to be the 'outcast of the orphanage'. The small boy was shaking as he slowly pushed Pers towards the stranger next to him, "I...I felt you were both you can have him for today-", Freminet started, the stranger took the penguin out of his tiny hands gently, examining him carefully before showing his sister what he had just been given.

He suddenly turned around, face decorated with a big smile and his purple eyes glittering with happiness. His sister was also smiling, however, her smile seemed even brighter than her brother's. However, their eyes were completely matching, both shining with happiness and gratefulness. The boy started speaking "Thank you...he's really cute", the girl suddenly butted in "did you build him yourself?". Freminet turned his head away and nodded a little, slightly embarrassed from their reactions.

"Well, we haven't introduced ourselves to him yet...have we?", said the boy, to who Freminet presumes is his sister. The little boy turned around, back to face the siblings. They were both still admiring Pers, you could tell they were siblings, just by the looks of their faces. After a while, the girl poked the boy's shoulder and pointed in the direction of Freminet, who was just watching them with awe.

The boy chuckled before speaking, "My name is Lyney, and this is my twin sister Lynette", he looked over at his sister before continuing, "sorry if our actions seem weird, we've just never seen anything like this before". Freminet nodded with a giant smile appearing on his face, "I'm Freminet", he said quietly whilst trying to hide his huge smile. Lyney giggled before suddenly hugging him "I know we're going to be the best of siblings!".

Lynette was also dragged into the hug by her brother, she seemed frightened for a bit, but slowly relaxed. She seemed...happy rather than relaxed. She giggled quietly a little before wrapping her arms around Lyney, "you're really taking him under your wing?" she asked playfully. "Who wouldn't?" Lyney said, not taking his eyes off Freminet's face "he's so cute, so he'll be our new brother!!!".

Freminet was shocked a little after hearing that last bit, he had vague memories of his mother, but no memories of actual siblings. He was lonely for the majority of his life, after his mother abandoned him at the orphanage, constantly being treated as an outcast and a weirdo by the other kids. He hasn't felt a connection as happy as he did right now, he felt like he had a real family now...

He finally had people who liked what he was interested in and didn't judge him. He felt loved by the twins, he felt a connection, like he's known the twins for a long time. He had finally found people that he can trust and can speak to, like a real family!

Baby Freminet One-Shots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now