Prologue (I guess ._.)

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A/N: Hi minna! xXHimekoLionessXx here, this is my first time writing something sad, I was inspired to do this because I watched the PV of The Little Mermaid, you can watch it first before reading though, but I must warn you that I'm not really good with such sad moments... Anyways, enjoy the prologue XD


Prologue (Blossom's POV)


Blossom's POV

Hi, I'm Blossom, a mermaid. I have been hearing stories about what's up there on the surface, my grandparents told me that there were these creatures called humans, they almost look like us mermaids but different, instead of a mermaid tail, they have feet and they use it to... uhm... Walk?

I also have two sisters who were just about my age, Bubbles and Buttercup. We all were fascinated by how the humans live through the stories my grandparents told us, right now, we were listening to our grandpa as he told us how the humans entertain theirselves, through dancing, singing and etc.

"Wow grandpa! You sure know a lot about humans!" Bubbles said happiy as her mermaid tail made a back and forth motion while sitting on a rock.

"Well of course! I have been watching them ever since I was just a small lad!" Grandpa chuckled.

"Can we go up there too?" I asked, then Grandpa's face turned to a frown. "I'm afraid not yet my dear Blossom.." he said with sadness in his tone.

"Why Grandpa?" We asked in unison.

Grandpa sighed, "You're forbidden to go up to the surface... But when you turn 15, you can go up there and see what they look like.." he said, smiling at the last sentence.

We were only twelve that time, we just have to wait for 3 more years. We smiled and nodded, "Alright grandpa!" we exclaimed happily. He smiled and gave us a hug before swimming back home with Grandma.

"I can't wait when I turn fifteen!" Bubbles exclaimed with excitement as she swam around like a maniac.

Me and Buttercup both giggled and nodded, "We just have to wait for 3 more years until we turn 15!" Buttercup said, flailing her arms around.

"GIRLS?" We heard our mother, Luna yell.

"Yes mom?" We questioned in unison.

"Dinner's ready!" She yelled.

"Alright!" we said in unison as we swam into our home.

'I can't wait to turn fifteen'.

End of Prologue.

Did you enjoyed the video? I hope you did, and I would like to apologize if this was short for you guys, I was saving the mext part for Chapter 1... 'Til next time my nekos!


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