Chapter 3

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A/N: heyo its's Himeko! Oh, and I see that I rhymed some words.. :) So, please enjoy chapter 3!


Chapter 3


The girls swam back to their home, once they reached home, they greeted their mother before entering their room, feeling exhausted and confused of the new feeling they experienced with the princes.

Blossom sighed as she laid down on her bed, letting her fin rest from all the swimming. "I'm exhausted.." she said as she hugged her pillow.

"Me too..." Bubbles and Buttercup said as they laid down on their beds, after minutes of complete silence, the girls fell asleep.

~After 30 minutes~

Luna saw her little flowers, asleep on their lovely shell beds. They looked very peaceful and decided she didn't want to disturb their sleep.

'They're tired... They need their beauty rest.. I'll wake them up later...' Luna thought as swam to her room to get some beauty sleep too.

~After 1 hour~

The girls woke up from their slumber, they streched their arms before swimming to their kitchen, they found a note on table and saw a note there, it said:

Dear little flowers,

I'm at your Aunt Lily's for a while, and I'll be back very late I think, just eat the food I cooked for you on the table.



When they finished the letter, they sat down and began eating.

~Up on the surface~

The three princes were at the shore, staring at the sea again. They kept wondering who saved them from drowning.

Prince Boomer picked up a rock and threw it to the sea as it skipped on the water.

"So, did you guys get a glimpse of your rescuer?" Prince Boomer asked, looking at his two brothers. "I only caught a small glimpse of her.." Prince Brick replied.

"Wait, your rescuer was a girl?" Prince Butch asked, interrupting Prince Brick from continuing his sentence. Prince Brick nodded, "And I assume your resucer was a female as well?" Prince Brick asked, Prince Butch nodded. "Mine was a female too!" Prince Boomer exclaimed.

"Can you describe her for us?" Prince Butch asked. "Well, my vision was blurry, but I saw that she has long orange hair, she had pink eyes too..." Prince Brick said before looking up at the sky.

"Well, my vision was blurry too... She had blonde hair and blue eyes... That was all I could remember.." Prince Boomer said, shrugging.

"Mine had short raven black hair and green eyes.." Prince Butch said, trying to remember the face.

A voice called behind them, they turned to see Rosetta, their maid, she was breathless and could barely speak to them. "Lunch.. *pant*.. is ready..." Rosetta said between her pants.

From a distance, three certain mermaids watched the princes leave the beach. Blossom sighed as she turned so that her back was facing the huge stone where they hid.

"What is this feeling I have?" Blossom asked out loud. Bubbles and Buttercup clenched their chests, feeling the same feeling Blossom was experiencing.

"We should consult to grandpa about this, he might know something about it!" Bubbles suggested, the girls agreed to the plan as they swam back down the ocean.

~At Grandpa's House~

The girls arrived in front of their grandpa's house, it was not huge but still a decent place for grandpa to live in. "Hi Grandpa!" the girls exclaimed, surprising the old man.

"Oh my girls! I haven't seen you in a while! What do you need?" their grandpa asked, before pulling away. Bubbles and her sisters giggled. "It's just for hours Grandpa and there's something we want to talk to you about.." Bubbles said, she finished the last sentence in a serious face and tone.

"Well, talk away my little girls~" he said. They told him about the strange feeling they have inside them. Their grandpa's face brightened and grinned. "Well, according to my experience, I think you're in love!" Grandpa exclaimed, but coughed. The girls got worried, they helped him lay his body on the rock.

"W-What is love Grandpa?" Bubbles stuttered. "Well... It is a warm feeling in your heart when you see or when you're near a certain person..." Grandpa explained. (A/N: That's just my opinion on what love is cx)

The girls were still confused by what their Grandpa said, they wanted to ask more questions but decided to give their Grandpa a rest.

"Thank you for telling us grandpa..." Blossom said, smiling at her grandpa.

"Anytime my little flowers.." he said and started to cough more. "Grandpa, you need to rest.." Buttercup said in a more concern tone. Grandpa nodded and coughed some more, "I guess I do need to rest..." he said trying to get up.

"We'll help you Grandpa.." Bubbles said as she and her sisters helped their grandfather to rest on his bed. "Feeling alright Grandpa?" Blossom said as she looked at her grandfather who was lying down on the bed.

He gave them a weak smile and nodded, the girls were still worried, even if he smiled. "Where's Alice? Shouldn't she be here?" Blossom asked.

"Alice is doing some grocery shopping...She'll come back later..." their grandfather explained.

"Okay Grandpa, we'll leave now.. Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Blossom asked, before leaving. Their grandfather gave them a reassuring smile this time and nodded.

The girls nodded back and swam back to the house, getting ready for the next visit to the surface tomorrow.

The End

Wew! Did you like chapter 3? Yes? No? please comment if you liked it, and I will see you, my lovely nekos in the next chapter!


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