Chapter 11

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A/N: The interesting chapter I promised you all is finally here! ヽ('▽`)/ After days of being sick and all, I have finally accomplished it! Well, what are you waiting for? Go read! And to be honest... This is the last and final chapter.. (;ω;)



Chapter 11


Third Person P.O.V

As some of the guests danced, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, couldn't do anything but sit and watch them have all the fun. They didn't know how to dance to be exact, and it would be embarassing for them to trip when all eyes were on them.

The three girls sighed in unison as they watched everyone else have fun. "I actually miss Mom..." Bubbles said, the two then nodded. "Me too" they said in unison.

From a distance, the three princes, noticed the sad and gloomy aura around them. When the music finally stopped and everyone did their final pose. The ones who watched clapped, including Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. Once the dance was done, the princes rushed to talk to them, but were getting lost in the crowd.

The ball was getting boring for the girls as they sat there and watched everyone small talk, some had wine glasses in their hands.

"Hi Bubbles!"

The girls turned to see Hima, Hitomi and Hikari, they were in their maid uniforms and they had big smiles. The girls gave a small wave at them. "Hi..." Bubbles said. Hitomi tilted her head questionably, "Why aren't you guys dancing with the princes?" Hitomi asked. The girls blushed but were puzzled at the same time.

"Why are you saying that?" Blossom asked. The maids exchanged glances before looking back at them. "They have been talking about dancing with you tonight ever since you guys have arrived... And I am surprised they didn't.." Hima explained. Their eyes widened when they heard that, but sadly, they couldn't dance.

"Well... I'm glad they didn't.." Buttercup said bluntly. "Since when did you get all cold Ms. Bittercup?" Blossom teased. Buttercup glared at Blossom as she giggled in response. "Let me guess... You couldn't dance?" Hikari asked. The girls slowly nodded, hating to admit the fact they couldn't dance.

"It's okay! We'll have James (anyone remember him?) teach you tomorrow!" Hitomi exclaimed happily. Their faces brightened when they heard this and couldn't do anything excpet hug them. "Thank you so much!" They said in unison as they let go of the maids.

"It's our duty milady... Now, go enjoy your night!" Hima said, gesturing them to the crowd.

They didn't do much that night except talk and watch the princes meet other princesses.

~The Next Day~

The next day, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup woke up quite early. They were about to go to the beach shores when each of them accidentally bumped into the princes.


I felt a bit tired as I walked down the halls of the huge palace. It has been a day since I have stepped foot on the surface and I kinda miss my mother and grandpa already... I wish they were here with me. I was too distracted by the thoughts in my head and I paid no attention to where I was going, just as I took a turn to the right, I bumped into someone, causing me to step back and fall on my butt.

It didn't really hurt that much since I landed on a carpet. I looked up to see Prince Brick, I can feel my face heat up just by looking at him. He lended me his hand as I stood up. "Thank you.." I said, smiling. "You're welcome.." he said, smiling back.

[COMPLETED] I Will Still Love You ((Sad PPGZ and RRBZ Fanfiction))Where stories live. Discover now