Chapter 5

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A/N: Chapter 5 minna! I hope you will enjoy it!


Chapter 5


As the girls swam back to the bottom, they were panicking. They were seen by humans, especially princes.

"We are sooo in trouble..."

~Back to the three princes~

The three princes were still wide-eyed after their encounter with "mermaids". They somehow looked familiar to them.

"PRINCES? WHERE ARE YOU?" A voice yelled.

The three princes snapped out of their train of thoughts when they heard Emily, their maid, yelling and looking for them frantically.

"W-We'll discuss about this later..." Prince Boomer stuttered. The other two princes nodded and went to Emily.

~The Next Morning~

The girls woke up, early... They felt really bad that they were spotted by humans and that was the number one rule of the mermaids, "Don't be spotted by humans"

"We messed up big time.." Buttercup said as she combed her hair.

"I know! I knew we shouldn't have sang there!" Blossom exclaimed as she buried her face on the pillow. Suddenly, Luna came in with a worried expression when she saw her daughters. "What happened my dearest flowers?" Luna asked, entering the room.

Blossom remained silent, as well for Buttercup who was combing her hair. Bubbles cleared her throat first before speaking, "We were just worried about Grandpa, Mother.." Bubbles lied, well.. Not completely.

"What about Grandpa? Is he alright?" Luna asked in a concerned tone. Bubbles nodded and explained some more, "The other day, we visited Grandpa, he has been coughing a lot.." Bubbles explained. Luna's eyes widened, and without hesitation, she swam out of the house and went to their Grandpa's house, leaving Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup to discuss things.

~Meanwhile, Above the surface~

After the wonderful dinner the royal family had, the three princes left the table and went to the palace balcony where you can get a good view of the ocean.

"About the mermaids earlier, could they be the ones who saved us that day?" Prince Boomer said, looking at his brothers before turning his gaze to the ocean.

Prince Butch leaned on the wall, arms crossed as he pondered, "They may be... And I doubt that the encounter was a hallucination.." he said.

"I wonder when they will come back.." Prince Brick said as he sat on one of the chairs. The three prince took a very deep sigh. They then heard footsteps coming closer.

"Enjoying the scenery aren't we?" A kind female voice said, the three princes turned to see their mother, the queen.

"Mother..." they thought as the queen walked to where Prince Boomer was. "Still looking for those girls aren't you?" The queen said, the princes turned their gaze to their mother when they heard her say that.

"Yes mother, we still have been searching for them.." Prince Brick said.

"And you believe that they are mermaids?" The queen asked, looking at the ocean. The three princes were wide-eyed when they heard their mother say that.

"If you're asking how did I know... Well, let's just say I overheard a few of your conversations.." the queen said as she turned to her sons.

"You believe in mermaids mother?" Prince Butch asked, the queen nodded while frowning. "I actually met a mermaid.. More like a merman, I fell in love with him too.." the queen started as the princes listened carefully, "We were both young, and we knew that it was love at first sight until.... He never came back to me.." the queen added as she hung her head low, remembering the memories.

The princes felt sorry for their mother that they had experience that. But their mother continued as she lifted her head up, "Until I met your father... He fixed my heart, every piece of my heart was in it's proper place..." the queen said, smiling.

They were silent for a while until the queen spoke again.

"I'll help you find them.."

The End

Chapter 5 is done! Aaaaaaaaaand I am almost at the exciting part of the story! I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and comment!
See you next time my lovely nekos!

~Himeko (decided to change it again..)

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