Chapter 6

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A/N: Chapter 6 is here my lovely nekos! Hope you'll enjoy it!


Chapter 6


~The Next Day~

Blossom was the first one to wake up and founs it very odd that she was the first one to wake up. She swam to the kitchen and found a note that said:

Dear little flowers,

I'll be staying with your Grandpa for a while until he gets better. I know you girls can manage to be on your own, and don't get into trouble.


Blossom smiled, she admired the way her mother cares for the people she loves. Since her other two sisters were sound asleep, she decided to go to the surface, and hoped that she wouldn't be spotted again.

She went outside their small house and she quickly swam up, when she reached the surface, she stared at the sky with awe.

"Wow, the sky is so beautiful.." Blossom said and took a deep breathe and exhaled. After a few moments, she then heard the sound of the flute playing a lullaby. Blossom turned and saw Prince Brick playing the flute at the shore. Instinctively, she swam to the nearest rock where she would hide.

Blossom poked her head out a bit so that she wouldn't be seen. Prince Brick continued ti play the flute, unaware that someone was watching. Blossom's face heat up as she continued to stare at Prince Brick, he looked so calm and handsome.. 'Wait, did I just called him handsome?' Blossom thought and shook her head.

Prince Brick continued to play the flute as Blossom listened to him, she felt like she was lost in the music. She was unaware that she was also singing along. Prince Brick heard the singing and stopped playing, Blossom covered her mouth as she realized what she has done.

Without hesitation, she swam back down.


Prince Brick let out a disappointed sigh. "How long will she make me wait?" Prince Brick thought. Ever since that faithful night, Prince Brick fell for the orange haired mermaid, her long orange hair, her beautiful pink eyes, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

He thought about her appearance until he heard a voice, snapping out of his train of thoughts. He turned to see his mother. "Hello mother.." Prince Brick said before looking back at the sea.

The queen chuckled before patting her son's back gently. "We're going boating to see if we can spot them.. Want to come?" The queen asked. Prince Brick looked at his mother and nodded.


Blossom's POV

I swam back down after I saw Prince Brick, I couldn't get him out of my mind! His orange hair, his red ruby eyes.. Ugh! I didn't love can make you go crazy! I swam back in our little house only to find Bubbles and Buttercup, half-awake on their beds.

"Wake up sleeping beauties..." I said blandly. Bubbles yawned as she walked to the mirror, while Buttercup laid back down. I sighed and swam over to Buttercup, and then I started shaking her, telling her to wake up.

"Give me 5 more minutes.." she said as she covered her face with her pillow. I rolled my eyes, I turned to see Bubbles, changing her hairstyle, before she used to let her hair down, but now, her hairstyle is pigtails. To be honest, she looks kawaii (^w^).

"Waaa! Bubbles you look sooo cute!" I squealed as I clasped my hands together and looked at her with awe. I saw her blush in embarassement and looked away.

"I just w-wanted to change my hairstyle that's all!" Bubbles said. I smirked, knowing the reason why she changed her hairstyle, but I pretended I did not know.

I shrugged my shoulder and put on the most innocent smile I can make and said, "Whatever you say Bubbles.."

The End

Gomenasai minna for the slow updates! I'm really really busy with school but the good news is I can bring my gadget to school! That way, I can make the chapters there.. See you on the next chapter my lovely nekos!


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