Chapter 10

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A/N: I hope you like the story so far minna! ^_^ Enjoy Chapter 10 my lovely nekos! That's their gowns for the ball! ^_^


Chapter 10


Third Person POV

The princes led the three girls to the balcony, where their mother, Natalia was waiting for them. When all six were present, Natalia turned to them with a smile plastered on her face. "Good morning.." she said in a gentle voice. The three girls smiled and bowed.

"I'm Queen Natalia... Pleasure to meet you.." Natalia said as she curtsied. The three girls bowed instead of curtseying. "May I know your names?" She asked. "I-I'm Bubbles..." Bubbles said, almost like a whisper. "I'm Blossom.. Pleasure to meet you.." Blossom said, a bit more confident than Bubbles's introduction. Buttercup then smiled before speaking, "I'm Buttercup.." she said.

Natalia smiled and looked at her sons, giving them a wink. "Well, since you're here, I want to talk to you three... To get to know you better.." Natalia said. The three princes nodded at their mother before leaving the four of them to talk.


"Oh you poor things..." Natalia said as she looked at the girls with pity. "We lost our mother on the way too..." Bubbles said. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have asled that.." Natalia said, feeling guilt. Blossom gave a weak smile and said, "It's alright your Majesty..."

Natalia nodded in understanding and then thought of an idea. "Would you like to attend the ball tonight?" Natalia asked. The girls tilted their heads questionably, "Why us?" They asked. Natalia giggled, "Well, my sons have grown a liking towards you and want you to attend the ball..." Natalia explained. The girls blushed when they heard that the princes have grown a liking towards them.

"A-Alright.. We'll attend.." Bubbles said, almost like a whisper but loud for Queen Natalia to hear. She then squealed. "Marvelous! I'll let Hikari, Hima and Hitomi make you all beautiful for tonight!" She said before clapping her hands.

Then, Hikari, Hima and Hitomi came in and escorted the girls back to their rooms.

"This is going to be a fun night"


Hima, Hikari and Hitomi lead the three girls to the room filled with gowns with all sorts of designs. The girls were amazed at the sight of the gowns. "What are we even doing here?" Blossom asked. The three maids giggled, making Blossom confused. "Well Miss Blossom, as Queen Natalia said, she wants all of you beautiful for the ball tonight.. So she told us to let you pick one gown and you can keep it." Hima explained.

"But we can't! They're too beautiful!" Bubbles exclaimed. Hitomi smiled and said, "Don't worry Bubbles-chan! Queen Natalia won't mind it at all! In fact, she even allowed you to own one of her shoes!".

'This is too much...' the three girls thought.

Hikari clasped her hands together, "Well what are you waiting for? Go and pick one!" Hikari said. The girls nodded and split up, getting lost in the aisles of gowns.

Bubbles's P.O.V

Honestly, this is just too much. I'm fine with the dress I'm wearing.. And I don't think I should be owning anything from the Queen but since she insisted, I have no choice.

As I walked down the aisle of gowns, I stumbled across a blue gown, it had long sleeves and there was excess cloth at the ends of the sleeves but over all, I liked it. I unhooked it off and was dazzled by it. "Hitomi-chan! I found my gown!!" I said, calling out for Hitomi.

Blossom's P.O.V

"Hitomi-chan! I found my gown!!"

Wow, Bubbles is quick when it comes to finding gowns.. Well, gotta go back to finding one. I am actually in a situation where I have to choose between millions of gowns that are very beautiful.

"How am I suppose to pick one only?" I said to myself. Then, something caught my eye, it was a pink gown with a beautfiul design. (The one in the pic)

I stared at it in awe before calling out for Hima.

"Hima! This one's mine!" I said.

Buttercup's P.O.V

"Hima! This one's mine!"

Well looks like I'm the only who hasn't found a dress yet... Well probably because there's tons to choose from! I kept looking at the gowns, one by one but none seemed to be my taste.

Just when I feel like I was about to call for Hikari, I saw a light green gown, it was simple, it had no sleeves and no straps and it looks like it formed a green flower with its cloth (So bad at describing so please bear with me)

I picked it and called out for Hikari

"Hikari! I found mine!"

~After the choosing of clothes~

Hikari, Hima and Hitomi led Buttercup, Blossom and Bubbles back to their rooms where they will prepare.


The three princes sighed as they stared at the ocean from their balcony, thinking of the three girls. They then heard footsteps behind them, they turned to see Queen Natalia, smiling. "Hello Mom, how are they?" Boomer asked.

"I told Hima, Hikari and Hitomi to prepare them for tonight's ball..." Natalia explained. The three princes' eyes widened, "They're attending the ball?!" They shouted in unison. Natalia giggled before nodding, "I invited them, and I'm sure they would be delighted to dance with you.." Natalia said, winking at her three sons making them blush.

~Later that night~

The ballroom was filled with kings, queens, princesses, prince and even some of the fellow townsfolk. The three princes waited anxiously for the arrival of the three maidens they had a crush on and they were all eager to dance with them.

Brick's P.O.V

The ball was getting a bit boring with out my lovely flower (I think you all know who it is *wink wink*), my eyes scanned the crowd. I could feel the eyes of other princesses watching me and I know they are eager to dance with me too but I only want to dance with my lovely flower tonight.

My eyes averted somewhere else and then, ny eyes shot up the stair case where I saw Blossom and her sisters. They were wearing mom's gowns and I have to say, they look wonderful, especially my lovely flower, Blossom.

As they walked down the stairs, I looked at the crowd, some were shocked and staring in awe while others were watching with jealousy. Well, too bad they can't dance with her. *smirk*

"Hello Prince Brick.." Blossom said, her sisters did the same to my brothers and gave them a smile. I could feel my face heating up when my eyes locked with hers.

Just when I was about to speak, I was interrupted by my father, The King.

I saw Blossom and her sisters being pushed away and this angered me to the very core. "Hello sons.." our "father" said, smiling at us.

"Hello father" we said in unison.

"I want you to meet...."

And that's the part where I don't listen and my eyes averted somewhere else. I tried to look for Blossom, and then after seconds of looking I spotted her, she was looking back at me, she smiled and waved, but I could see the hurt in her eyes.

Just as I was about to walk over, my father stopped talking and my attention was back to my father's. The princesses that we were going to dance with took our hands and dragged us away.

'I wanted to spend time with her...' I thought.


And finished! ^.^ I hope you all liked it! Poor Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup! (╥_╥) But the next part will sure be interesting *wink wink* and I am sorry if I left you in suspense or lacking to read more but it has to come to an end.. Anyways, Sayonara my lovely nekos!


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