Chapter 7

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A/N: This is where things get a tad interesting... ♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪ Hope you'll enjoy it my nekos!


Chapter 7


Third Person POV

Weeks have passed and the princes have found no sign of the mermaids they loved oh so much, their mother did whatever she can to cheer them up but she seemed to be failing. Their father, the King has arranged a ball for the Princes, just to cheer them up, but the King still has no idea why they were depressed.

Meanwhile, the three mermaids have been constantly visiting the surface just to see the Princes, safe and sound, but everytime they look at them, they can feel pain inside their heart. They were confused about it at first but when their Grandpa explained it, they soon unerstood that it was the feeling of wanting to be with the person they love.

"If only we were human.." Blossom said before sighing as she combed Buttercup's long hair (A/N: And if I said before that Buttercup had short hair, I changed it to long). Bubbles was reading a book and Buttercup was playing around with her fingers as I comb her hair.

"Hey guys! Look at this!" Bubbles exclaimed. Blossom amd Buttercup stopped what they were doing and swam to Bubbles. "What is it?" Blossom asked. "It says that there is a sea witch that lives somewhere near here and can grant any wish.." Bubbles explains. "That's probably just some rumors.." Buttercup said, Bubbles felt discouraged a bit by what Buttercup said but Blossom kept her hopes up.

"But it's worth the try! Plus, oka-san (means mother in japanese) won't be back until next week!" Blossom said with determination in her eyes. "I bet your wish is to become human and be lovey dovey with your prince!" Bubbles teased, making Blossom blush. "Urusai! I know both of you want to do it too!" Blossom yelled.

Bubbles and Buttercup blushed, knowing they want to be human and be with their princes. They then both nodded, "We'll both come with you.." they said in unison.

Blossom's face brightened when she heard her sisters were coming along too. She then instructed them to pack some stuff for the little adventure they will have.

When they were done packing, they swam out of their house and went east according to Bubbles's directions.

~After 2 hours~

The three mermaids grew tired of swimming but they finally reached the cave of the famous Sea Witch, Mizuki. The cave was almost shaped like a skull and it looked creepy. Bubbles gulped and slowly swam towards it while Blossom and Buttercup follow behind.

As they entered the cave, it gave an eerie feeling. Bubbles whimpered and swam behind Blossom's back. They then heard a loud "BOOM!". Curiousity grew inside the girls and decided to check where the sound was from.

They hid behind a rock and took a small peek and saw a mermaid with a black tail and long black hair like Kaoru's and her eye color was just pure black. "Ugh! I messed up again!" The mermaid let out a frustrated sigh as she threw the wooden spoon she was using.

Bubbles accidentally let out a sneeze, the mermaid was suddenly tensed and was up and on her guard. "Whoever is there, show yourselves!" Mizuki, the Sea Witch exclaims. The girls sighed all together before going out of their hiding places with their hands up. "State your business!" Mizuki exclaimed. "We're here because we heard that you can grant any wish.." Buttercup began. "And we want you to grant us our wish of being human..." Bubbles said.

"Okay, I will grant your wish of being human.. But you have to do me something..." Mizuki began. "We'll do anything!" Blossom stated.

"Alright.. You have 4 days to kiss you beloved prince.. If you don't, you'll turn back into a mermaid and you won't have second chances.." Mizuki explained.

The girls were wide-eyed but they must do this. They nodded and said, "We'll do it!"

The End

Chapter 7 is done my lovely nekos! Sorry for not posting in a long time because I am not feeling well.. But I managed to post a chapter! Hope you enjoyed it, see yah next time my lovely nekos!


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