Chapter 9

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A/N: Here's the chapter you all have been waiting for! CHAPTER 9! I'm glad you all liked my PPGZ and RRBZ books! Now, please continue reading!


Chapter 9


Third Person POV

Each of the girls left the little mermaids, and told them to wait. The maids then rushed off to go and tell the three princes of the news.


"Are you sure it's them?" Their mother, Natalia asked, as the three princes nodded. "It should be them mother, I recognize the color of her eyes.." Prince Brick said, thinking of the beautiful pink eyes he once saw.

Hikari, the black haired and blue eyed maid, came in with Hima (brunette) and Hitomi (purple haired pigtails).

"Yes girls?" Natalia said, turning her gaze to the maids, the princes stopped talking and turned their gaze to the maids as well. "Sorry tk bother you your Highnesses (Lol) but we came to tell you that the three washed-up girls are awake.." Hima said. When the princes heard this, they couldn't contain their excitement, they want to meet them now.

Natalia noticed the excitement in their eyes and giggled. "You three, go now.." she said, the princes did not hesitate and rushed to their rooms as fast as they could, they could hear the giggles of Hikari, Hima, Hitomi and Natalia from the distance.

'They seem like they were only young boys yesterday..' Natalia thought.



Blossom sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror, her hair was neat and there was now a red ribbon attached to it, and the dress she had right now suited her perfectly. She gazed upon the different labeled bottles on the table (?). "Eh? What are these?" Blossom was about to touch them when she heard a knock on the door.

"Open.." Blossom said as she heard the door open, she expected to see the brunette girl with purple eyes again but it was different, a blush crept up on her face when she saw Prince Brick, standing there. He closed the door behind him and gave a small smile. Blossom blushed even more and smiled back.

Brick then spoke up.

"I see that you're awake.." he said as he walked towards her. Blossom can feel her heart race as she stood there, frozen on her spot. "W-W-Why am I here?" Blossom stuttered. 'Damn me and my stuttering!' Blossom thought. "Well, you and your friends were unconscious on the shore when we saw you... And we knew we couldn't just leave you there, so we brought you in our palace.." he said, smiling in the end.


Blossom heart was beating fast everytime he smiles like that and her face was almost red as a tomato! "T-T-Thank you for doing that... That was really kind..." Blossom stuttered. Brick smiled and grabbed Blossom's hand and started heading out the door. Blossom was confused and asked Prince Brick where are they going. "I'm going to introduce you to mother.." he replied.


Bubbles took a deep breathe as she inhaled the scent of the sea, the waves crashing against the stony shore could be heard. "So breath taking..." Bubbles said. She then heard the door open behind her, she turned back and expected to see the cheery pigtailed girl, but instead she saw... Prince Boomer! Bubbles's face began to grow hotter. "I'm glad that you're awake.." he said, smiling.

Bubbles blushed even more at his genuine smile, it was something Bubbles could think of forever.

"I-I-If you don't mind m-me asking, Why am I here?" She asked. Prince Boomer walked up to her before explaining. "I saw you and your friends unconscious on our shores, so we decided to bring you in since we can't leave you in such a state..." he explained.

Bubbles smiled and placed a hand on her chest, shs could feel her heart beating fast.


'Such a kind man..' Bubbles thought.

Boomer smiled and suddenly grabbed Bubbles's hand, making her blush. "Where are we going?" Bubbles asked. Boomer stopped and turned to her, "To meet my mom.." he said, he then turned back and grabbed Bubbles's hand as they ran through the hallways.

Buttercup (This is going to be OOC)

Buttercup kept twirling across the room as she hummed the song she sang that night when they encountered with the princes' once more in their mermaid form. She then heard the door open and stopped twirling and humming, she expected to see the kind looking black haired girl with crystal blue eyes but instead she saw Prince Butch.

Buttercup's eyes widened before a blush crept up on her face. "Glad to see you up.." he said in a gentle voice as he walked towards Buttercup.
"Why am I h-here?" Buttercup said, stuttering in the last part. "Well, me and my brothers were taking a stroll on the beach when we saw you and your other two friends unconscious..." Butch explains smiling. Buttercup nodded her head in understanding before she spoke up.

"And those girls with me were my sisters..." Buttercup said as she placed her hands behind her back. Butch chuckled and gestured Buttercup to follow him, which she did. "Where are we going?" She asked. Butch stopped before turning to look at her. "To my mother, she wants to meet you..." Butch said. Buttercup seems calm but inside, she's mentally screaming.

"And on the way, you could tell me a bit more about yourself.." Butch said, giving Buttercup a wink, making her blush.

The End

Here is chapter 9 guys! Hope you enjoyed it! See you in the next chapter my lovely nekos!


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