Chapter 4

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A/N: I'll update every Saturday now, because I have school... So, probably I'll post chapter 5 too. Enjoy chapter 4!


Chapter 4


~The Next Morning~

The three woke up to the sound of the pot banging. Buttercup clenched onto her blanket as she covered herself, Blossom and Bubbles placed their pillows on top of their heads, hoping that the noise would stop.

"Wake up my little flowers!" Luna yelled as she continued to bang the pot. The girls woke up, groaning. "Why so early mom?" Buttercup asked, half-awake. "We're going to the central market of Oceania.. We need food you know?" Luna said before leaving her daughters to get ready.

Blossom groaned as she swam to the mirror, getting her shell comb and start combing her hair. Bubbles, fixed her bed, when she finished, she opened the shell curtains in order for Buttercup to wake up.

The ray of light shined at Buttercup, making her float off the bed. "What the heck?!" Buttercup exclaimed as she scowled at Bubbles, who was smiling.

When the girls finished preparing, they had breakfast first. When they finished, they swam to the central market.

~At the Market~

When they entered, they saw a lot of mermaids, buying and selling fruits, vegetables and even seaweeds. The girls still looked tired but tried their best to stay awake, for their mom's sake.

~After hours of grocery shopping~

It was already 5:55 p.m. when they returned home, the reasom why, is because of the lines they had to wait for.

Blossom then asked their mother, Luna if they can go up to the surface.

Luna sighed as she looked at her daughters, eager for her answer. "Fine, but don't stay up there until midnight... Got it?!" Luna exclaimed. The three mermaids nodded happily before swimming out of their home amd headed to the surface.


The three princes sighed as they looked at the beach, they were still bummed that they couldn't find their rescuer. As the waves crashed against the shore, Prince Boomer gave out a loud sigh, enough for his brothers to hear him.

"Is it about her?" Prince Brick asked, looking at his brother Prince Boomer. Prince Boomer nodded.

It was silent for a while until they heard 3 voices, singing with such sweet voices that anyone can fall in love with such a voice.

The three princes decided to follow the source of the voice, hoping to catch a glimpse of the owners of the sweet voices.

~To the girls~

The three mermaids sat on the rock where they hid during the time when they rescued the princes. They wished they could see them up close. And, at this very spot was where they would sing.

As they continued singing, the three princes finally saw the owners of the sweet voices up close. They were astonished to see that they have mermaid tails, pink,blue and green.

They were also amazed by their beauty, as they stepped closer, Prince Butch accidentally stepped on a twig, making it snap.

The mermaids heard this and with instict, they jumped off the rock and swam back down, ignoring the cries of the princes to come back.

'Oh no...' they all thought.

The End

I actually have nothing to say to this.. But I hope you enjoy.. See you next time!


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