Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


As the brothers had fun dancing, the three princes decided to rest for a while, they were at the edge of the boat, staring at the sea.

"This is the best birthday ever!" Prince Boomer said as he took a deep breathe, inhaling the scent of the sea before exhaling.

"I agree with you Boomer, this is the best birthday ever.."Prince Brick said, smiling at his little brother.

As they stared into the sea, they saw something... A bit peculiar, they saw what seemed to be three fins, one was blue, one was green and one was pink.

'Is that what I think it is?' Prince Butch thought.

'I've never seen a fish with those colors of fins before... how peculiar..' Prince Boomer thought.

'But dad said that they were not real...' Prince Brick thought.

The fins disappeared but something new popped out, it was three girls, they seemed to be laughing and having a good time.

The boys' eyes widened, they couldn't believe their eyes, were these actual mermaids?

"HEY!" Prince Boomer yelled, waving at them to get their attention. The three 'girls' notice that they were looking at them, they then splashed back to the sea.

"I must be dreaming.." Prince Brick said, shaking his head.

"I must be having hallucinations..." Prince Butch said before ordering one of the maids a glass of water.

"They seemed pretty real to me...." Prince Boomer said.

Suddenly, thunder could be heard as it started raining, after a few moments, the rain started pouring down harder, then lightning joined in with the thunder.

(A/N: I'm not good with describing what 'storms' so let's just say that the waves started crashing and the boat started swaying from side to side.. Yep..)

As the boat swayed from side to side, the food (A/N: I'll save you food! DX), the utensils and etc. were out of the boat because of the swaying thingy. (A/N: I shouldn't be saying thingy! xc dammit!)

Everyone got out of the ship with the emergency boats, the Queen and King were yelling the names of their sons, yelling them to get out of the ship, but unfortunately, they bumped their head at something hard, making them unconscious, and falling to the sea.

~To the girls~

"This is really bad.." Blossom said, swimming back and forth as she frantically waved her arms around. "We've been spotted.."

Just as Bubbles was about to say something, their heard thunder, they went back to the surface and saw that it was a storm, the waves crashed into the boat, making it sway side to side.

"Oh gosh.." was all Bubbles could say as random started falling out of the boat. They then saw the three humans falling to the sea, unconscious.

"Oh gosh we should help them!" Bubbles exclaimed, she was about to swim to them but was grabbed on the wrist by Blossom, "It could be dangerous... And risky of our existence being seen.." Blossom said in a serious tone as thunder could be hears again, this time with the ligbtning.

"Blossom! They need us, plus they're unconscious! They won't know!" Bubbles said, Blossom sighed and nodded before letting go of Bubbles.

The three swam to the unconscious princes, Buttercup grabbed Prince Butch, Bubbles grabbed Prince Boomer and Blossom grabbed Prince Brick. Once they have the princes in their hands, they wasted no time and swam to the shore.

~After the storm finally calmed down~

After the storm has calmed, the Queen and King wasted no time and ordered the whole castle to search for their three sons.

Meanwhile, the three mermaids brought the three unconscious princes to the shore, they placed them on the sandy shore.

The three moved a bit but the mermaids didn't seem to notice it, they were half-awake.

Their vision was still blurry and they couldn't really see who rescued them. The girls noticed this and decided to leave them, afraid that they would discover who they really were.

When the mermaids were far from the shore, they hid behind the rock to watch the princes one last time.

When the princes were conscious, they saw maids running to them, really worried. "Are you alright princes?", "Are you hurt?" they continued to bombard them with questions but they didn't seem to answer any of them as their mind was thinking if one thing, 'Who rescued them?'.

The mermaids felt relieved when they saw the maids taking the princes back home. They felt something strange inside when they saw the princes up close.. They shrugged it off and went back down to the sea.

The End

Sucky chapter, I know.. But I hope you guys enjoyed it.. I'll see you nekos on chapter 3!


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