Chapter 1

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A/N: Chapter 1 guys! Luv ya my nekos! Hope you'll enjoy!


Chapter 1


As the years come, the three mermaids waited anxiously until the day they finally turned fifteen.

~After 3 years~

As the sunrose, the three mermaids were still fast asleep, until, their mother came in and woke them up from their beauty sleep.

"Wake up my little flowers! Today's the big day!" Luna exclaimed, swimming to the shell curtains (You know, curtains made out of shells?) and seperating them.

The girls groaned, they probably forgot what day is today.

Luna sighed, she swam to the kitchen and came back with a wooden spoon and a pot, she started banging the pot with the wooden spoon, startling the mermaids, Buttercup floated right out her bed while Blossom and Bubbles sat straight up, half-awake.

"Today's the big day girls!" Luna exclaimed before leaving the room, Buttercup got up, groaning as she rubbed her head while Blossom and Bubbles try to figure out what day is it today.

Blossom's eyes widened and realized what day today is, she swam right out bed and hugged Bubbles. "WE'RE FINALLY FIFTEEN!" she yelled, Bubbles's eyes widened before hugging her sister back.

Buttercup smiled as she swam around with excitement. "Yes! Finally!" she yelled before hearing her mother yelling at them to keep it down.

The girls giggled, they barely could contain their excitement. They got ready for the day as they used their shell combs to comb their hair. (I do not know how mermaids prepare theirselves okay? XD)

When they were all ready, they swam to the dining room where their mother was cooking breakfast. "Good morning my little flowers!" Luna exclaimed happily as she placed the food on the table, it was seaweed. (CX)

"Good morning mother!" the girls replied back as they sat down. "Excited?" Luna asked, turning to her little flowers, the girls smiled and nodded.

"Well, eat up! Don't want to be tired when going up to the surface!" Luna said and sat down.

The girls nodded and started eating their food, when theu finished, they brought their dishes to the sink. "We'll be off to see Grandpa first!" Blossom said and kissed her mother's cheek before leaving the house with her sisters.

Luna sighed and smiled to herself, "They grow up so fast..."

~To the girls~

The girls met up with their grandpa at the spot where they usually tell their stories, their grandpa was really old too since it has been 3 years already.

"Hi Grandpa!" The trio exclaimed before giving their grandpa a loving embrace.

"Oh my little mermaids, you're all grown up.." Grandpa said before pulling away to scan each of his granddaughters.

"We'll be going to the surface!" Bubbles exclaimed, earning a chuckle from her grandfather. "I see, you're all excited aren't you?" he said, the girls smiled and gave them a nod.

"Well, go! Enjoy your time there!" He exclaimed. The girls couldn't help but squeal, "WE WILL GRANDPA!" They yell from the distance and started to swim up to the surface.

(A/N: And it's their birthday btw :3)

~At the surface~

Just up the surface, held a party, on a ship. The party was for 3 princes, Brick, Boomer and Butch, birthday party to be exact, and it's also their 15th birthday.

As the girls reached the surface, they were astonished at how different it was here on the surface, they looked around and saw a ship. "Isn't that a ship?" Bubbles questioned, tapping her chin. Blossom nodded, remembering what a ship looked like from what her grandpa described.

"Shall we explore it?" Buttercup asked, eager to explore. "I don't know..." Blossom said, her voice trailing off. "Oh come on Blossom! It's our first time here on the surface! Might as well enjoy!" Bubbles said, persuading her sister. Blossom sighed before agreeing to explore.

Bubbles and Buttercup 'yay'ed before swimming towards the ship, Blossom was falling behind, she had a bad feeling about this.

The End

Sorry! Cliffhanger maybe? XD idk... But anyways, I hope you enjoyed my story! see ya my nekos, on.. chapter 2! Byee


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