Part 1- Filming at Chip's

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So I'm running late again (shock) for helping some of the sidemen film their drinking video for Chip's channel, I live about 15 minutes from chip but trying to park anywhere in the car park is a nightmare.

I'm so nervous to walk in Chip's flat knowing I'm the last to arrive but seconds after I knock I'm greeted by Tobi and engulfed in one of his tight hugs, I feel myself instantly relax and follow him into the living room, full of the boys. My eyes scan the room and meet Chip hovering over the bin gagging after whatever shot he has just taken.
"That's fucking rank that bro, I need to spew it up fuck me, oh hello (y/n) welcome to the madness" Chip managed to slaver, eyes barely leaving the bin.

I keep scanning and see Chris, hands behind his head with his arms looking full and toned in pit of laughter at the scenes unfolding. A load of pleasantries were exchanged before I sat down between Tobi and JJ.
"Anyone fancy another shot? (Y/n) you love vodka don't you?" Will asks.
"Yeah I think I need it to take the edge off and catch up, how's the video going?" I asked worried for the reply.
"We have like one last bit to finish then if everyone wants to keep drinking we can" Will replied. Everyone seemed to be up for that with a few excited yes'.

I head to the kitchen for a shot with Simon, Will, Chip, and Freezy.... Or maybe a few shots. They went down a treat, especially when you're nervous. I notice everyone else getting up and coming through but the kitchen is small-ish so it's a little squeeze. Chris and Will are asking about tequila shots but can't find it in Chip's messy alcohol cupboard. I feel some hands on my waist moving me out the way a little, it's Chris, I could feel his breath on my back as he squeezed past me, already sending a little butterfly in my stomach... weird. "Excuse me, don't mind me coming through, sorry, thanks" he politely & nervously says.

Once we get back to the living room Chip asked if I want to dish out the shots for the people avoiding questions in say it or shot it and I agree, just as I say this Chris pipes up "why don't we get a little segment for (y/n) so she can join in"... fuck... I'd never seen the room so buzzing for me to be in the hot seat.
"Ok ok, go easy on me though" I hesitated.
Chip introduced me as a last minute guest with the boys rubbing their hands with questions ready to be fired. "

The questions started off mediocre which I could handle then Harry being Harry gets more ruthless.
"What's your body count" Harry asked- *sips a big shot poured by yours truly-Chris.*
"If you had to describe your type what would they be?" Tobi asked knowing full well my type and stirring the pot.
"Ok this I'll answer since I'm feeling a lil tipsyyy, that dirty blonde haired look, driven, a little shy but funny and a big swinging *BEEP*" I replied knowing dick will be beeped out on the final edit.
"I might be 5 foot 6 but I've got a 6inch swinging ...." Chris oh so confidently said which made me toss my head back laughing, I can't lie he's my type, there was some eye contact again that made me so fuzzy.
"Naaaaaaahhhh hahahahha" Tobi erupts with laughter and so does the room of people now staring at me.
"Ok ok I'm tapping out, you got what you need from me?" I said needing another proper drink before I Uber home.
"Bro you've given us a screamer I'll let you off, lemme get you a drink once I put the lights away" Chip says happy to have some more content.
"I'll grab it, what do you want? I'm heading through anyway" Chris asks looking back at me.
"Anything thats not gin please" i ask.
"Can't believe your not a fan of gin, the best drink, I'll have to make you something like a cocktail and you'll like it eventually" he replied. Why did he have to say that, now I don't trust him making my drinks.

I followed him through to the kitchen pondering if he will use gin in my drink. Chris is fiddling with different mixers and he seems to be startled as he sees me in the doorway but his smile expands as I come through. He says that he knows I don't trust him making my drinks so I lean back on the counter slightly watching his every move, he comes so close to me again as he moves past for some gin for my drink. He's so close to my face and body I can feel my cheeks get hot as he hold up the glass for me to drink it, I don't even say a word I just do as he says.
"Drink it, look me in the eye and say it's not good, I dare you" he says with a small smirk on the corner of his mouth forming.
Did I mention I hate gin???

Ok this is getting long so I'll jump over to the next part.
By the way I'm a slow burning bitch I can't help it I'm so sorry.

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