Troops movie night

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I wake up early and begin the cleaning process for tonight's movie night that I regrettably agreed to hosting in my apartment! I begin by remove the cushions from my large L-shaped grey sofa and the two seater and began cleaning and breaking a sweat.
Troops chat
Me - who's coming so I know what to buy?
Simon - me and the mrs
Tobi - me, myself and I
Chris - me and Freezy
Harry - me me me
Josh - me and my mrs
Tobi - yo you want us to bring snacks?
Chris - I am the snack
Me- if you could I'd appreciate it, I don't think I'm gonna have time
Tobi - sorted. I'm on it, see you 7!

I've just got out the shower and put on my oversized t-shirt which I usually wear as a nightie, it's basic but comfy and then I slip on some ankle socks and put my necklace and rings back on too. I put on a little make up just concealer and some bronzer so I don't look deathly and straighten my hair. It may be a movie night but I'm here to impress!

There's a knock at the door and all 8 of my friends are standing and staring at me waiting to enter my home. Tobi as always, gives me a tight hug and says his hello's along with Talia, Freya and Chris giving me a quick hugging embrace, Chris longing as per usual during the hug with his hands glued to my waist. Ugh he smelt so good, the fumes from his sauvage aftershave ravaged through my nose and I couldn't get enough of it. Most of the group get their spots on the sofa, Josh and Freya cuddle up together on one end of the sofa and Harry awkwardly sits all alone in the middle section, Simon and Talia take the two seater and there's just enough room for Simon to sprawl out. Freezy goes into my cupboard and helps himself to my large bean bag, he places it on the ground and throws a blanket over it and gets comfy. Tobi does the same as cal and steals the last large bean bag and secured his spot... shock me and Chris get the shit pick of the seats.... In my own home too.

I head to the kitchen and Chris follows me holding a huge bag of juice and snacks filled to the brim. I'm praying someone out of the group has got me skittles and remembers they're my favourite, and my salted popcorn.
"Oh I picked you up these from Tesco, I can't remember if you mentioned you liked them but you were scoffing them at Tobi's last time." Chris told me with a look on his face hoping I'd respond with happiness of his choosing.
"SKITTLES YES! I'm so glad someone remembered, thank you, that's so nice of you" I said with such a cheesy grin on my face.
"That's ok, you are hosting us all so I have to at least get you something, if I know you well enough I bet you've been cleaning all day?" He asked, not even knowing the half of what I'd cleaned today. I was so grateful that he actually remembered what I liked and thought about me whilst out buying snacks, it was a small but nice gesture I wasn't ever used to from men in my past.
"I've not stopped I barely had time to squeeze in a hot steamy shower and clean myself." I replied still feeling hot and sticky from all the hard work I've put in today. My flat isn't even a mess I just think that it is.
"Ooh that sounds nice" Chris replied, making his way closer to me reaching his arms out for my hips, he pulled me into him until our faces were inches away, both smiling as I looked up to him. He leans in for a kiss and I return it having a little make out session in the kitchen was scary, worrying who was going to catch us in the next 10 seconds if we didn't stop. I couldn't help myself, my hands made their way up to the back of Chris' neck and his hands touched my bare back underneath my baggy top, they started to travel down to my bare exposed ass as the kiss intensified. I heard footsteps and quickly batted him away and carried on taking everything out of the bag and sticking a few bags of popcorn in the microwave before leaning back onto my white marble counters before jumping up onto them whilst I wait for everyone to come and get their snacks, Chris shoots me a small smirk and I started giggling a bit, Tobi looks at me in confusion wondering what he's just walked in on. Everyone else appears through into my kitchen and we are all just chatting and having a laugh, Chris moved closer and closer to me as the conversation about Tobi having so much rizz but no girl escalates, he was then standing in-between in my legs as I sat up on the counter. I brought my hands that were gathered in-front of me closer to Chris' back, one hand lifted his top slightly and started tickling his back (in a nice way not a ha ha way, thought I'd clarify) I could feel his back become covered in goosebumps which I knew he enjoyed, we just acted like this was completely normal and luckily not one person batted an eyelid. Every so often he would place his hand on my knee to give me a reassuring touch, but I think he did it every-time I stopped tickling his back, he turned to me after I'd stopped after a while as if to give me a disgusted look that my hands were not allowed to be tired.
"I didn't say stop" he whispered as he turned round slightly to look at me with those big blue puppy dog eyes.
"Grow up, you owe me now, that's been like at least 15 minutes" I said, dying for some physical touch.
"You'll have to show me how to do it, maybe another 15 minutes on me and I'll learn how to do it" he replied insisting I continue.
He's a pain in my ass, but fuck me he's hot when he looks at me like that.

We all began making our way back to the living room still not having decided what to watch yet. I let them argue amongst themselves between watching the new insidious horror film or barbie but let me tell you... there was one clear winner and the girls were outnumbered so horror it was. I close the blinds that look over the most stunning views of London and turn the main lights off, I walk over to my dinning table and light the two candles at either end, I can feel eyes on me as I walk around the room doing little odd jobs to make the environment more cozy, I light one last candle on my wooden table closer to the sofas and my eyes meet this blue pair, Chris. There's one spare seat between Chris and Harry or one between Harry and Josh... Freya was in between Josh's legs patting next to her but Chris also patted the space next to him, I really want to sit with Chris but it'll just cause a roar of accusations if I do. I take my seat next to Freya but practically sitting with Josh at this point and the movie starts, Chris kept looking at me with a little sadness but snubbing me at the same time as if I've betrayed him.
"Ooooh chicks before dicks, you've made Chris a very sad man" Harry pipes up making it a little awkward for me.
"I'm just third wheeling Frey and Josh now, it's like being babysat by my mum and dad" I replied hinting that I wanted to go over to Chris. Already within the first 15 minutes Freya is screaming causing me to jump even more which I hate, I finally stand up and stomp my way over to Chris.
"I can't do this, you're actually scaring me more with your screams than the film" I said laughing as I take my arse over to the other side.
"I'm so sorry oh my god, I didn't even think it was going to be this scary." Freya said giggling at how she was acting throughout the start of the film.

Chris lifted up his blanket and I rested the side of my body into him with his arm now around my shoulder draping over my arm, he kept tracing small movements and patterns over my arm and I could feel my body heating up and being covered in goosebumps. The horror was not horroring and it was just making me sleepy, I felt Chris readjust himself so that he was lying on his back and he pulled my body into his so that I could lie down properly, I felt a bit squished because the lump that Harry Lewis is, was in the way. He noticed pretty quickly and shifted towards Josh a little more, he patted his thighs and I propped my feet on them, Chris gave him a small thank you as I think they could both see how exhausted I was, I placed my hand up his shirt and just kept tracing patterns on his stomach, he keeps eye contact with me whilst everyone else is either focused on their phones, the movie or sleeping. I move my hand down a little further so that I'm playing with the line of his shorts letting my pink slip under his grey Calvin's a little bit, just enough to feel the start of his dick. His grip on the back of my neck tightens from the feeling, I put my hand down further and give it one good grab before letting go and placing my hand outside of the blanket again and shutting my eyes, I can feel him grow beneath the covers and placing his own hand on his member to readjust the growing situation under the covers.

I again wake up to the sound of light chatter between Chris, Simon, Freezy and Talia talking about the film whilst the rest of us were basically sleeping, I felt the vibrations of Chris' speech through his chest and look up at him with some hungry eyes, he wrapped both arms around my body again and looked up from me and continued his conversation, a small smile given to me. Not long after I get up and start putting stuff in the bin and blowing out the candles as it was getting late in the evening. I kept glancing over at Chris sitting watching me clean up when my phone buzzed, I grabbed it off the dining table and had a look.

Chris - want me to stay?
(Y/N) - how will we manage that without everyone noticing and saying something?
Chris - stop cleaning up and I'll say I'll stay to help
(Y/N) - good plan, clearly done this before Dixon
Chris - you're gonna get some of this Dixon side of y... *deletes*
Chris - never. Just love a little secrecy
(Y/N) - and a back tickle clearly...
Chris - I've got to return the favour now

"Oi who yous texting and smiling at" Freezy asked quite sharply.
"Oh Theo just put something funny in our chat" Chris replied quickly, damn he's real good at thinking on the spot.
"A chat that I'm not in??? How dare yous. What was it?" He asked again wanting a little more information from us.
"Ah nothing just a filming blooper" Chris replied again quite quickly.

Ok I'm at 2k words on this one so I'll move it over to the next page xx
Pls like if you're enjoying it as it boosts the story for me for more folk xx
Chris md at the charity match tho... ooft 🥲🥲

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