Troops movie night 2

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Everyone began packing their stuff up, chargers, blankets and unopened snacks into their bags. Tobi with a heart of gold ruffled my cushions for me and folded my two blankets before packing away my huge bean bags back into the cupboard. Simon asked if Chris wanted a lift and it was so awkward when Chris told him he was going to stay and help clean up, nobody said a word but it felt like everyone knew what was going down.
Tobi came over for a hug before he walked out the door and most of the group queued up behind him waiting to leave.
"You think you're so slick y/l/n, I know the game, have fun, take it easy breezy, text if you need me." Tobi said with a little glimmer in his eyes. He's always been like my protective brother but he obviously trusts Chris enough to let him be alone with me and get up to no good.
I get a hug from everyone and again Freya makes a little comment.
"Let me know how it is, double dates soon yeh?" She said catching on to our little situationship.
"Fuck you" I replied with a smile
"No... you're gonna fuck him" she whispered.
"You're the worst haha take care and text me when you're home... you too Talia!" I said closing the door slowly and locking it.
I walk my way back to the kitchen as Chris is taking off his hoodie, his shirt lifts a little too and his abs are allllll on show, I can slightly see his v-lines exposed and it's not long before I'm craving him. I laugh a little at the sight of him struggling to peel his hoodie off so I go over to help and his body flinches from my hands guiding his, his little head pops through the gap in his hoodie and his eyes light up.
"Thought I'd give you a hand you looked a little stuck." I said giggling away.
"That's so embarrassing, I'm getting a little hot in here" Chris stated licking his bottom lip.
"I thought you meant you were staying to help clean up not staying over" I playfully replied with smiling at him.
"Well if you help me put this hoodie back on I'll be on my way y/L/n". He shot back with a smile.
"No no, you can stay, especially after that movie, I'll be keeping the lights on tonight." I said, flashing back to all the scary moments in that film, I'm scarred.
"That means I'll really get to see allll of you tonight then." He said walking closer to me becoming inches away from my face, looking down at me with nothing but lust in those soft blue sunken eyes. His head lowers down to mine as our lips press against each other my eyelids fluttering before they close, his hands travelling over my whole body trying to find the perfect grip. We slowly part for a breath and i take his hand to guide him towards my room.
Chris shuts the door behind us and switches the main light off leaving only a small orange toned lamp dimming the room, we begin to kiss again but more heated this time, I'm clawing at the back of his neck and his hands are finding their way around my body, from my waist, to my hips down to my ass. He takes his time in guiding me to the large grey bed behind me, scattering my decoration pillows over the floor, he's now leaning over me in-between my legs, his veiny soft hands reach for my underwear and they're ripped from between my legs, the red lacy thong now on the floor where it'll soon gather the rest of our clothes. Chris leans back on his knees and places his hands criss crossed over his body as he reaches for either corner of his blue Levi's top, he pulls it up over his abs and then over his head before throwing it on the floor to join my underwear, as he gets back into the swing of things his right hands rubs up my whole thigh before fitting it right into the crease between my stomach and thigh, gently rubbing. His fingers gently make their way into me as my whole body arches back and my head is thrown deep into the pillow, the room filled with echoes from my moans and groans. He begins to lift my shirt up and then takes his shorts and boxers off revealing an excited and very erect dick, he smirks at me while dragging his bottom lip between his teeth at the sight of me exposed, he leans in close and guides himself into me with one hand, I let out a huge groan trying to familiarise myself with him again. He thrusts so deep I cant help but make a little noise now and again, I arch my back and he grips my chin pulling my naked body up slightly as he goes in for a kiss, I throw my arms above my head as Chris grabs one hand and keeps it above me, he soon runs out of stamina and I can see him getting sloppier by the second, panting and slowing down. I push him out of me and let him lie down as I climb on top of his body, he looks at me with such lust and heavy eyes. I use one hand to balance myself and the other to insert him back into me and grind on him rocking back and forth and stopping for a make out session every so often. He groans with pure pleasure and can't take his eyes off of me while caressing my boobs. He flips me back over after a second wind but I can feel his body tensing up knowing he's almost done, back in a rhythm again he utters 'ugh fuckkk' between his messy breaths and soon after he grabs onto my waist finishing before pulling out of me and laying flat on his back. Chris stares at me so deeply in thought, focussed on those thoughts but also focussed on me, I always feel so nervous when he does this to me, I wonder what he's thinking.
"I missed that. So. Much." He gently says to me filling the sweaty comfortable silence in the room.
"Me too, that's taken my mind off the scary film anyway." I replied, both of us laughing at the comment.
I take myself to the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth, I threw my oversized top back on and he scavenges the room to find his shorts. A presence joins me soon after asking for a toothbrush, luckily I always have spares of everything. We brush our teeth together, with the only noise being the tap running and the deep breaths coming from both of us, a pure and sweet moment shared, I picked up my phone off the sink area and snapped a quick picture of us in the moment laughing. It was cute but it's sad I also can't post it anywhere without anyone speculating and going wild. We both got back into bed shared another little kiss before saying our goodnights and dosing off with the tv on in the background.

Two uploads in one night?? Who do I think I ammmm!!
This was supposed to be a short story but it's turned into the longest slow burner ever... longer than Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago's love story.
Hope you're enjoying it tho xoxo I'm trying my best, if there's any mistakes etc let me know x

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