Feeling sleepy

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I arrived at Tobi's and walked right in, Harry, and Simon were sat together on one sofa, JJ and Chip on another sofa, Tobi was on the bean bag on the floor and then it was Chris on one... shock. Everyone had blankets and all looked exhausted so I'm glad it wasn't just me, I joined Chris who patted the spot next to him and he put a blanket over my legs.

"What movie we watching then?" Tobi asked
"Got any good porn tobes?" JJ said whilst everyone laughed.
I suggested Oppenheimer (sloppenheimer) since it was new and no one had seen it yet and everyone agreed... I reckon they only said yes to see Florence Pugh but who am I to judge when I'm only watching for Cillian...
Not even 10 minutes into the movie I feel myself shivering and getting sleepy, most of the room is asleep at this point with everyone else focused on the film, I turn to see Chris is already looking at me. He scoots a little closer to me so his legs are touching mine and he gives me an odd look.
"You're fucking freezing." He claims.
"I'm always freezing, it's always my legs and hands, you were rushing me so I never brought anything with me" I hiss back blaming him for my cold body.
He moves away and leans down for his grey hoodie and throws it at me, I giggle softly.
"Thank you, but it's your fault really" I playfully say and give him the look.
He doesn't respond, just let's me put the hoodie on and leans back into the arm of the sofa and puts his legs on the outside of me... I take the hint and accept the offer because I'm cold and I've been longing for something from him. We cuddle in and my head lays on his stomach in between his legs and he pulls the blanket over me so I keep warm. I can feel my eyes closing and getting heavy but try to watch the film, I then feel these soft warm hands wrap around my back and pull me closer to him, they're tracing my back and I fall asleep not long after.

*lil time skip*

I can subconsciously hear small laughs and conversation so I open my eyes and sit right up back over to my own side, I do not need the speculation from any one of those boys.
"Comfy are you (y/n)?" Harry says.
"There was no other way to get comfy and you lot were snoring like shite" I respond trying to deflect from what they saw.
"Hope you's are behaving under there" Freezy chimes in. Tobi just looks and smiles, good lad.
Harry and Simon and still practically cuddled up so why is the attention on us?? What do they know?? I see Chris stir and wake up and he just acts like nothing has happened, was he just being nice or is he trying to hide the fact we were cuddling?

Of course we get to that one Florence Pugh scene and the taken boys all look away laughing and the rest watch with a little lust in their eyes, I can feel Chris getting jittery and readjusting himself a few times during this and throws his head back a few times, I think I have an idea what he's thinking about. Who knows.

We all head off not long after, it's about 10:30pm and if I want to go to this party tomorrow I better start prepping the fake tan and looking at outfits and I really need a good nights sleep. I offer Chris a lift home since he's looking really sleepy eyed and cute, I don't want him driving when he's tired.

We arrive at his apartment and he jokingly says "I hope I didn't ruin your sleep with my snoring"
"What snoring? Never heard a peep..." I lied through my teeth, he sounded like a fog horn.
"I appreciate the kindness but I know I snore" he replied with a chuckle.
With that he left and went inside, shit his hoodie....

____ text message____
To Chris:
(y/n) - I forgot to give you your hoodie, do you want to run back down?
Chris - it's fine, that's your reason to come see me tomorrow
(y/n) - ok shit rizztopher
Chris - I'm too tired to even give you a cocky reply, goodnight x
(y/n) - you can give me that coc....... (Deletes)
(y/n) - goodnight, I'll maybe see you tomorrow x

Buckle up for next chapter xxxx you'll see xxxx

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