The meal

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I wake up to a little beam of light coming through the gap in my curtains and also the annoying iPhone alarm clock noise ricocheting through my room... 9am my phone reads. Chris still lightly snoring with one arm behind his head and the other draped over his stomach, I leave him be and hop in the shower. Once I'm out and dressed I start tidying the bedroom a little as I hear a small groan come from Chris' direction, the giant arms peer upwards and stretch out. I snap a quick video of the view from my room and the sunlight peering in and save it to my camera roll before turning round to finally face Chris' side of the bed.
"Hello, nice of you to finally join us." I stated with a smile. He looked so innocent and cute just laying there with his sleepy and puffy eyes, his flat hair and all cuddled in to the duvet.
"I don't want to move, leave me be, this is my spot for the day." He said back to me as he patted the space next to him, insinuating I join him.
"Get up lazy, we are going for lunch with some of the boys and I think Faith and Freya are coming too. Plenty time to freshen up." I told him, hoping he would get the hint to go so I can tell Freya all about last night. Im not usually one for sharing my business but I think she already knows there's something going on at this point. Chris finally stands and walks up behind me, placing his hands around my waist and resting his chin down on my shoulder, both just taking in the view. We have minimal chit chat about the details of lunch and what the plans are when he chirps up "can I take you out for drinks and a meal?"
"I think we are past that point Chris don't you think?" I replied with a laugh.
"Well yeah but rather than just fucking it'd be nice to have a sit down chat and some pillow talk... and I don't mean you moaning my name into the pillow." He said with a sort of serious tone to it. I blushed a little, flashbacks pouring through my head, stomach on fire with the thought of him behind me. His grip tightens a little to fill the silence in the room urging me to give an answer.
"Yeah that sounds really nice actually" I replied, at least I know this isn't a friends with benefits situation. I just don't want to bump into anyone if we go out, it really fills my mind with anxiety that anything goes public, not for a bad reason I just don't like everything to be on show nor being questioned by essentially strangers fishing for info.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Chris giving me a peppering of kisses before he lets me know he's off home to get ready for lunch.
"See you laterrrr, you can come to mine tonight if you want? Run yourself a bath since you don't have one?" He said, holding onto the door asking a last minute question.
"That sounds good but whyyy do I have to run it if I'm the guest?" I asked hoping he will treat me to a lovely bubble bath.
"That's true, you've got me there. I'll see what I can do. Right I'm off this time, bye" he replied.
"See you soon!" I said before the door was closed.

*lil time skip to the meal*
We get to this beautiful restaurant a lil fancy for my liking and I feel a bit underdressed with my cargos and a corset top on and some classic panda dunks. I'm the last one to walk in and everyone's already finishing up their first drink, there's a space next to Chris which I think he's secretly kept for me, and sat next to me now on my other side is Faith. Tobi pulls his vlog camera out and tells us all to say hello so I give a little wave and Chris being Chris gives a middle finger. Tobi shows off his beautiful chicken based meal before switching his camera off again and joining in on the table conversation. There were many laughs shared and all talking about the charity match which was fast approaching, Tobi felt like he wasn't 100% ready for it physically but Freezy chirped in and said he had done little to no training for it. Myself and Chris made our own convo with a little flirting here and there, I felt his hand make its way around my waist as he took a sip of his pint, looking at me with a smile he placed his glass down.
"You look lovely by the way" he whispered close to my ear.
"I don't feel it, I'm so tired! But thank you. I'm ready to go soon you need to get into a good night time routine for the match" I said back.
"Yeah you're right, these late night shenanigans are fun until I'm wide awake at 3am" he says with a smirk.
"After this do you wanna head back to mine?" I replied hoping he will keep me company.
"Yeah let's do it." He said

"Guyssss, I'm gonna head home, I'm not feeling too great, I'm freezing and starting to get a sniffle" I say announcing to the group.
"You've deffo been hanging around Harry too much..." Freezy replies gathering a laugh from the table.
"Yeah, that pesky Colombian cold... a nuisance" Harry said laughing.
I just about spat my drink out as this was said. I began putting my leather jacket on over my hoodie and gather my phone and keys and wallet from the table.
"Chris you gonna walk her home? It's late, she can't be on her own at this time" Tobi asks, I think he only said it to direct the attention from us leaving together to make it about my safety which I appreciate.
"Yeah mate, course." Chris said with a small smile, his hand guided my body out of the booth making sure I didn't hit anything or anyone on the way out.
"Bye guys, thanks for tea it was lovely" I said slowly walking away.
"Bye shaggers" Harry said. I did not react. Lies... me and Chris both laughed as we took our first steps outside.

There was a bitter wind outside as we walked closer to my apartment it was about 10 minutes away and i couldn't feel my hands already. Chris placed his arm around me pulling me closer to his cozy body.
"What can we watch when we get back?" He asked.
"Hmmm, maybe the back of my eyelids?" I replied, shivering away.
"We can have a look on Netflix when we get through that door and I get the final vote since you'll fall asleep first" he said. This being a new thing, whoever is more tired doesn't get a final say in what we watch.

I got myself into bed almost immediately when we got back to mine, Chris took himself to the kitchen humming away to a new song that's stuck in his head. He appeared through the door with two mugs and he was biting the packet of some twirl chocolates... my absolute favourite!
"What an absolute sweetheart you are, thank youuuu" I said with such a huge smile on my face, it's the little things.
"Nothing better when you're unwell than hot chocolate and sweets. I'll even let you put your cold feet on me and cozy in." Chris replied with a look of pity that I'm ill.
"I think I'm honestly falling in love with you." Fuck. I didn't mean to say that so soon.
"Uh I'm sorry, that was meant to be in my head." I added sheepishly.
"I've been waiting for that I can't lie. I'm falling a little for you too, whatever this is I'm enjoying it." He said passing me my hot chocolate and getting into bed.
We shared a few kisses before I left half of my hot chocolate to go cold and dozed off, my cold feet laced with his warm feet.

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