After the match

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I had to go my separate ways from Faith, Ethan's mum passed olive back to faith so I gave her face a little squish and said thank you to faith for the little confidence boost and started walking into the all stars changing room. As I peered my head round the corner it was just absolutely filled with topless, sweaty, stinky and messy guys; but a blonde haired boy emerged and walked over to me. Chris' arms extended for a hug which I indulged in.
"How are you feeling?" I asked hesitantly, his arms grasped onto the small of my back, the smell of deodorant filling my nose.
"I have no words... what an amazing experience again." He replied pulling away with a huge smile on his face.
"You're not sad the team lost? I'm honestly so proud of you all... but you especially. I'm loosing my voice from the screaming".
"A little bit sad but when you look at the cause I can't really be mad can I? I'm happy I scored but fuck me that was nerve wracking knowing I had to impress you, I couldn't fumble the bag now could I?" He laughed as he pulled my in for a little side hug.
"I'm glad. Well I'm impressed I'll say that."
" Are you up for a little partying tonight?"
"I am... are you... is the person we should be asking, you look done in." I asked knowing his eyes looked so puffy and his cheeks were blushed pink.
"I think a little Power Nap will sort me out and a shot or 2 of vodka. It's 4 now so get ready at 6 and out by 8? Sound ok?" He asked...
"That sounds like a plan, I'm good to go when you are, I've put fresh bedding on and there's food in the fridge"
"I lo.. ve your cooking."
"Mmhm meet you back at mine."
"See you soon, I'd kiss you but too many people".
I started walking out to the car park through the back entrance and made my way home.

Just as I reached my car door I heard a little shuffling behind me before my waist was grabbed and I was pushed against my car door slightly, Chris.
"You terrified me. I thought this was it, I thought death was upon me" I said, with my heart still pounding out my chest.
"Sorry, I couldn't let you go before getting a proper goodbye." He said still red in the face from the match.
"You're literally coming to mine..."
"I know but you look so good I couldn't miss the opportunity to tell you."
He places both hands around the sides of my neck and pulls me close for a kiss which I lean into. He slips a tongue in and things start to pick up and get heated, not for long as the parking garage door opened which made us pull away slightly whilst our heads pan over to the entrance. We heard some sniggering and 'oh my god's before we realised some fans had managed to get into the car park. They come walking over pretty fast and ask Chris for a photo.
"You played so amazing, we love you!" One fan said
"Can we please have a photo with you?" Another asked.
"Yeah sure, how did you guys even manage to sneak in here?" Chris asked a bit worried that I was standing with him in an empty car park for people to speculate.
"It's the main car park attached to the stadium so we took a wild guess someone would be lurking" the fan replied with. I can't lie that's a solid 10/10 for the effort.
"Ah I see, pretty good thinking! I can't stay too long we.. I have plans this evening I need to go get ready for I'm afraid" Chris stated.
"Ah is this your girlfriend? Is it a sidemen party? Where is it" an eager fan asked.
This left Chris feeling slightly awkward, his privacy was already being invaded in a sense and now some personal questions came up, he seemed really flustered so I knew I'd have to jump in.
"Our cars are just parked in the same spot, yes we have a party but I'm not sure we are allowed to say where or who with but I think you guys can guess! Want me to take a photo of you all?" I jumped in, trying to save our backs.
"Yes please!!"
I snapped a few pictures and they quickly ushered away after a few thank yous!
——————————time skip—————————
'Can you zip me up please' I say to Chris, as he padded over still looking half asleep with his shirt inside out.
'Sure thing sweet cheeks.'
As he zips me up in this gorgeous little black dress I still keep having thoughts, thoughts I've tried to suppress for a while now... what are Chris and I? Friends with benefits? Just friends who spend a lot of time together and have casual sex? Best friends with benefits? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a small kiss on my shoulder.
"What's on your mind?" The blonde haired and puffy boy asked.
"Oh nothing, it's silly." I hesitated.
"You can tell me..."
"What are we? Are we still being secretive with everyone? I don't know what I'm saying I'm just getting in my head about things and pondering" I say letting out a huge sigh of relief that I've said something.
"I mean I think it's obvious to most people that there's something going on, I just don't want any of my viewers to know as it's so early... saying that, if they piece things together that doesn't bother me, I just have to be sure this is working before I announce anything."
"Is it not working for you then?" I say, pondering if there is actually something missing for him.
"Don't be silly, I wouldn't be stuck to your hip if I wasn't interested in pursuing you. We just need a little more time, and definitely a lot more steaming hot sex you know... just to be 100% sure " he said with a little laugh.  His breath was engulfing my neck as his fingers brushed my inner thigh, travelling to my underwear, his fingers moving over the top of them just at my sweet spot and the smell of sauvage travelling to my nose as i tilt my head back into the crook of his neck.
"Not now, we are running late and I've already practically lost my voice from today so I don't have time to moan your name right now"
"Well you better just save your pretty little voice for later while you scream my name round this house."
"Don't tease me with a good time Christopher  cause I'll cancel all my plans right now and drop my panties for you." I say absolutely soaking at the thought of him taking me right over this bed.

"Let's go sexy" he says holding the front door open for me with his other hand extended out for me to grab. We wait for the elevator before getting into our Uber and arriving in Soho for the sidemen after party.

I am SO dreadful with updating this lmao
I apologise profusely.
Hope u enjoy xx

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