Sdmn party 2

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Speak of the devil....

"(y/n) I got you another drink. I just want to say that I'm genuinely so happy you're here, it was a nice little surprise, I'm just enjoying your company lately" he slurs, the drink has definitely hit us at this point.
"Honestly me too, I only really showed up so I wouldn't disappoint you, plus you're alright to be around when you're not getting soppy on them like now" I said with a little smile.
He has a drink in one hand and uses the other to pull me in with a tight grip around my waist, he gives me a little kiss on my cheek before whispering "I mean what I said, I'm glad you're around".
"I know, me too, whatever's happening I like it. I just need another drink for some more confidence" I said with a little grin. It's true though, we've kept quiet for a while it's about time we grew some balls and just said what we feel.

I got myself a drink and headed back to Talia, faith, ethan, Freya and Josh dancing and joined in, but I kept looking at Chris and Chris kept looking at me. The way he was leaning back sitting slightly on the table with his hands perched on the table too, looking at his defined arms and stance, the way his jaw moved when he spoke softly, the way his head rolled back when he laughed and the grip he had over me... fuck. He was chatting to another girl and it didn't bother me I just got a little tiny teeny weeny bit jealous but turned on, as if it was my mission to make a point to him about how I feel. Fuck it here goes.

I walk over slowly, after downing the last of my drink, didn't want to alarm anyone or see what's going on. I stood in-between his slightly opened legs, placed a tight grip on his thigh and leant over in his ear before saying "come with me I'll show you why I'm here."
He groaned fuck under his breath and followed suit, he took my hand and followed behind me closely putting his hand on my waist to avoid me touching or bumping into anyone else. We stopped very briefly and got 2 more drinks from the bar on our route.

I got to the toilets area and noticed a storage bathroom cupboard, it was unlocked... there was a small leather sofa in the corner, with lots of chairs in the other and a few boxes and stuff as well as a toilet sink and mirror above. I went over to the mirror and he followed, right behind me. So close to me I could feel his dick growing and pushing into me. I put my drink down on the sink area and so did he, I looked at him in the mirror whilst doing so and he caught me staring at him.

Within seconds, his hands are caressing my legs and one hand just goes for my panties, he moves my dress up slowly and then rips my panties off completely, I kick my shoes off and turn around for a long passionate kiss, we keep kissing and get into a rhythm when he slips his tongue in my mouth. Hands are running absolutely wild gripping at my bum and in the arch of my back, my hands laced in his hairs at the back of his head needing more from him. Chris let's out moans and fucks at every touch and movement I make and I do the same. I reach for his belt as we kiss and undo it, then the same with his shorts I undo the button and zip, feeling his dick and what's to come. Everything's coming off of him when I pulled at the hem of his tshirt, I wanted it off and it was thrown across the room, his shorts and boxers follow, his eyes keep meeting mine as he looks at me for reassurance I smile and let out a small but reassuring laugh.
I'm whisked up and he's holding me up trying to put his member in me, he starts thrusting, harder with each one, moaning fuckkk a lot. I can see he's getting tired like this so I get down and push him on this burgundy leather sofa, i straddle him with my hands wrapped around his neck looking for another kiss, I slide his dick in me again and starting rocking and bouncing in all directions, grinding on him. His grip gets so tight around my waist as he looks at me so hungrily and licks the corner of his mouth with lust.
"Fuckkk, this is what I wanted" he lets out as his raspy voice seeks for a breath.
"Taken us long enough ugh" I can't even speak its pounding in my stomach giving me butterflies.
He lets me know he needs to finish so I clamp down even further on him and grind on him, he sucks my nipple and holds the other and the other hand grabbing my bum guiding me what movements to do, before he finishes.

My heart is absolutely racing as I get off and put some more clothes on, we just stand together embraced peppering each other with kisses laughing.
"I really fucking like you but I didn't want to put pressure on either of us so I kept quiet" his raspy voice spoke up.
"I was the same, I wasn't sure if it was the same badk but here we are" I say nervous about sneaking out of this bathroom without being seen. I pass him his drink and take mine, I unlocked the door and poked my head out making sure the coast is clear... now for the great escape. We darted back to the dance floor where everyone was smashed and dancing like the idiots we are.

"Yo where did you go" JJ asked. Fuck sake.
"I went out for some fresh air it was a bit too packed for my liking" I said, well played (y/n) well played.
"You alright though?" JJ being my overprotective guardian of the night asked.
"Yeah I'm ready to go now I'm so tired" I said knowing exactly why I was tired.
"One more song then the taxis will be here for everyone who wants to leave now at 12:30am and there's more coming at 2 when it finishes." Jj replies looking tired too.
"I think I'll go soon when the first taxis arrive, my heads spinning I need water and my bed" i said knowing I'm a little sad about my night ending and going home to an empty and quiet flat.

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