The afterparty

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Chris and myself walked into this huge and beautifully decorated building, there were lights shining everywhere and so much fucking alcohol behind that bar. Chris places his hand around my waist as we weave through the crowd to try and find our close friends to say hello first and so that I can congratulate everyone for their efforts today. I noticed a few faces were missing from this party but assumed a lot of people had other commitments or were just maybe... completely knackered from running for 90minutes.
"Oh there's Tobi, let's head over" I practically shout over the booming music, after spotting his bucket hat a mile away.
"Hellooooo (y/nnnn), Chrissss!! How are you guys?" A buzzing Tobi asked, engulfing us in a 3 way awkward hug.
"We are ready to get drunk, we had a Power Nap" Chris says.
"(Y/n)... stunning as always, let me get you guys a drink? Prosecco for the lady and a pint for the dwarf?" He asked pointing to us.
"Right that's plenty, I heard enough of that on the pitch thank you very much." Chris said with that look on his face, a fed up look.
Tobi bobbed and weaved through the crowd to the bar and we were still scoping out the venue and realising just how huge this event was.

"Do you remember last time we were here?" Chris said.
"Which part?" I replied, facing him.
"The part where you got jealous and dragged me to that little bathroom right there and fucked me?" He pointed over to the toilet area.
"Dragged you? You practically were pushing me the whole way there, remember whose underwear got ripped off first babe." I snapped back giving him a little shove.
"Yeah you've got me there." He laughed with his eyes piercing at me and his hands up in a surrender position.

Tobi made his way back over with Harry who gave me the most awkward hug you'd expect. He reeked of autism but hey so do I, I could barely make eye contact with him. I drank my Prosecco pretty quickly and Chris did the same with his pint.

"Are you two love birds not official yet?" Harry just bluntly asked... ffs Harry. Land us in it next time ay.
"I don't know what you're talking about mate, we are just friends." I replied, clutching at my drink harder. Why does everything need labels, it's so awkward. I'm happy with Chris but I'm not rushing into anything, everything is still a little too fresh and we are still getting to know each other, but also I wouldn't mind being a girlfriend soon just not right now.
"We are just having a bit of time together and we will see what happens... what about you Harry where is your mrs...?" Chris trying to change the conversation and deflect it back to Harry.
"Yeah fairs, probably wasn't a great question to lead with." He replied
"So you're not single then?" I piped up.
"If I speak I am in trouble" he laughed.

We headed to the dance floor after having a few more drinks and a few chats with different people, our favourite songs kept coming on so I couldn't leave that checkered dance floor even though my feet were so painful in these heels. Chris noticed and held me by my waist to take some pressure off of my feet, just as he spun me into his embrace I saw a face in the crowd, I felt his eyes piercing at me so I looked directly at him....My ex.

"Jack? Is that you?" I shouted over at the tall scruffy haired brunette.
"Y/N??? Omg I didn't know you would be here! How are you?" He asked as he sipped his pint of beer.
"Yeah I'm really great actually, you?" I say not wanting to give much away. We didn't break up on bad terms but he was quite a controlling and a negative partner. We mutually broke up a good few years ago after he decided to move to Australia for a period of time, I wasn't ready to leave my family and friends behind, especially not with someone who criticised majority of what I do. There was a huge lump in my throat as memories came flooding in of our past together. I can remember being told I wasn't to wear certain things when I went out, and that I had a curfew and had to keep my location on so he could always see where I was. My thoughts were put on pause as he was still waiting for a response.
"Helllloooo earth to y/n??" He said politely.
"Sorry what did you say I couldn't hear you."
"I said I'm good and asked if this was your boyfriend, are you not going to introduce me." He was now facing Chris.
"Hi mate, yeah she's my girlfriend, it was great meeting you but we've got to head home, she's up early." Chris could obviously tell by my grip on his arm that I was really uncomfortable.
"Oh er yeah we are filming tomorrow, I'll see you later" I said sharply as we headed for the exit.
"Well it was really great to see you again, you look great." And with that we were out the door.

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