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I woke up to a ray of warm sunshine coming through the small gap in my curtains, turning round and moving back over to Chris to cuddle in. We both lie there... blinking... refusing to get up. I decide to make the first move and wrap up in my dressing gown before heading to the kitchen with last nights freezing cold hot chocolates. I grabbed two new mugs, a marvel one for Chris and a Yoda one for myself before starting up the kettle. I made myself a hazelnut latte and Chris just a normal coffee with 2 sugars and a splash of milk just how he prefers it before I head back to the bedroom, my knuckles burning from touching the mugs ever so slightly.
'Thanks, you didn't have to do that." Chris said with his puffy little face smiling at me as he sat up against my headboard.
"I think we both need a boost im so tired I don't even know why?"
"I can think of a few reasons" Chris batted back with an even bigger smile this time.

I get back into bed before we both have a peek at our phones... they're blowing up. I have 7 unread texts from Tobi, 3 missed calls, 20+ Twitter notifications and the group chat has unlimited notifications... I wonder what dramas gone on today and why do I feel like Harry's been cancelled... again.

Y/N are you awake?
I'm so sorry
I've deleted the video
I think a few people have seen it already but I'm not sure if you have, I've sent it to you
You and Chris should be ok
Honestly I am sorry.
Fuckkkkkkkk I'm a doughnut
Troops GC

Mm7 - well well well what do we have here *video clip attached (8 seconds)*
Bog- daaaamn caught in HD
Zerk- that's kinda cute you know
Lux - twitter and tik tok have gone wildddd, does she even know yet?
Freezy - shit
Bog - shit
Behz - shit.
Tobs- I've fucked it she's gonna hate me. Chris will be alright hopefully. I didn't mean it
The messages were endless, I can see Chris' face drop at the same time as mine as it goes bright red of worry and fear. I click the video that Tobi sent me, there were 2 attached.
The first one shows me and Chris... behind Tobi... with Chris' arm around my waist as we get into the booth at the restaurant yesterday and he has his hand on my thigh in the clip once we sat down, the second one looks as if we have just pulled away from a kiss as we are standing outside the restaurant before linking arms and walking away back to my apartment. Shitting hell Tobi!! Fucking glass windows. We were well and truly caught in my eyes, and Twitter was wild with love and hate too.
"Don't even go on Twitter, it's not worth the mental drain, it's not bad and there's not a lot of tweets but there's a lot of speculation" Chris said bringing my head onto his chest.
"I'm fine I just don't really want anyone knowing about us yet because I don't think we even know yet either."
"Yeah I totally agree with you, however I'm apparently punching according to Twitter..." Chris said to me with the look.
"I'd say you are" I replied quickly with the same look he gave me.
"With that morning breath oof I think you could be wrong" he said... he's absolutely rinsed me there
"HAHAHHAAHA that's a low low blow, I'll remember that." I said with an ugly laugh, appreciating how he's trying to make me feel a bit better.

Troops GC
Y/n- y'all saw nothing
Lux- bet you thought Harry had been cancelled didn't you
Y/n- I fucking did oh my godddd. How's Twitter and tik tok treating me??
Freezy- well there's edits of you both already and Twitter is surprisingly being alright apart from the few dickheads
Vik- what are yous going to do? Ignore it or address it... I can hook you up with my management for ideas on how to deal with it
Y/n- thanks Vik! I think we might need a discussion first, we aren't even sure what we are doing and didn't want everyone and their cousins nans dog to know
Behz- honestly you're best just owning it, soft launch that shit
Lux- hate to say it but it's already a hard launch there's nothing soft about it
Jj- hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaa
Chris- well at least yous can get off our backs now i guess
"How are you feeling about this now?" Chris asked so politely
"I'm surprisingly ok, what shall we do about it?"
"I think we just own it, just keep doing what we were and if the time comes where we go official there's never a rush to put it online anyway, you know I'll support and follow whatever you want to do"
"That's so sweet, I am in agreement, I'd better phone Tobi and let him know we don't despise him" I said forgetting about Tobi and how he's probably sitting feeling like shit about leaking us.
"Yeah that's a good idea, he's probably sat at his desk going over the rest of the video over and over to make sure there's no leaks"
"Weekly vlogs are great until they aren't"
With that I picked up the phone and dialed Tobi.... No answer. I ring once more and again it goes straight to voicemail. Ah fuck it he can phone me when he's ready, he's maybe in the studio or filming.

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