Did i mention i hate gin?

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I hate gin,
With a passion,
I cannot be in control of my actions when someone gives me it but I was told to drink it so I did.

I took a small sip looking up at Chris dead in the eyes, he had so much hope and a little excitement in his eyes watching me try his creation. I spat it out... on him... by accident I swear!
"Fuck sake I'm so sorry!! I did warn you I don't like gin." I said unsure of his reaction, so I started laughing because it was funny and I felt so nervous.
He takes the hem of his t-shirt and every so slightly lifts it to wipe his face and neck from where I've got the drink on him, his toned body now on show and I can't help but look, everything's all wet and I can feel my own heart beating loudly and hitching my breath a little at the sight. His eyes then meet mine and now I'm really nervous. We burst out laughing.
"You're such a dick hahah I didn't think you really meant it when you said you didn't like drinks with that in it, at least take me out first before you spit on me" he replied.
"You owe me a drink I reckon, sidemen party... you can repay me there, if you're going?" He adds, why does HE look nervous now?? He takes the drink out of my hand and starts drinking from the straw waiting on my reply.
"I wasn't planning on going but I guess I have to come and make an appearance now or I'll feel guilty every time I see you" I smiled. He seemed happy at the reply?
"Oh we'll be seeing each other more often." He said. Was that a question or a statement? I can't tell but I like this.

Just as i pat down Chris' top with a paper towel to try and dry out his t-shirt I can feel him staring at me, getting a little closer each time I think about it, fuck are we about to kiss? Well shit... here we go....

"Aw (y/n) what have you done now, my clumsy bitch" the words emerged from a petite girl laughing at the doorway... Freya!!! I still can't tell whether she ruined the moment or made it, I still feel like I'm longing for something from him but I just laugh with Freya and she drags me back to see everyone.

We head back to the living room and everyone seems to be tired and done in so Freya is the taxi to take us home and Tobi is the other taxi. I hop in with Freezy, Freya, Josh and... Chris, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid right now. Saying that, Chris slides me his phone with the contacts page sitting open, I fill it in and hand it back telling him I'm a shit replier so don't expect much from me. After I said this it sounded so cold but i didn't mean it like that.

Chris' p.o.v-
What a day. I can see everyone hovering outside seeing what cars they want to get in for going home and I try and aim for the same one as (y/n) i need to test the waters and see if she's interested. I slid her my phone to add her as a contact hoping she doesn't shut me down.
"Don't get your hopes up I'm shit at replying so don't expect much" she says to me which feels blunt.
Shit is she totally not interested? Maybe I should back off a little.

I get back to my apartment and it's already 11pm, I have a big day in 2 days for the sidemen party and lots of pre-filming to get done tomorrow.

I jump in the shower and I cannot stop thinking about (y/n) she's just flooding my head of thoughts. The way she looked at me got me hard already, I threw my head back under the water and let my hands slide down my face with flashbacks of today, my mind wanders to thoughts of her gripping the back of my head, my pillows, my back.. fuck stop this.
I'm obsessed
Ok I'm done for now, next part asap for ya xoxox

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