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I showered all of my sins away and got ready for todays filming, Simon and Ethan said they want me to try their football 'challenge', they didn't say much but I knew it'd be horrendous. I put on my black nike leggings with a white nike tee and a pair of pink nike mayfly shoes (soz adidas 🫢), the weather looked promising so I was dressed for the occasion.
                         ———Texts ———
                              Troops chat
Simon- anyone need a lift? Heading in 10
Jj- nah
Ethan- yeah pls daddy 😩😩
Y/n- yes please, I think I'm still drunk
Simon- shock. Might make u perform better today😎
Freezy- doubt it^ she's pish
Chris- meet yous there
Vik- nah bro got the new whip 
Lux- fuck off
*simon removed Lux from the chat*
Simon- much better, anyone else?
Tobi- yes please Papi 🤝
We get to the pitch and I see Freezy nudging Chris laughing, making me feel so nervous incase he's told people about last night, I'm not one for rushing things at all. I like my privacy and hope he is the same, I wonder if Freezy has maybe put two and two together.
I follow Simon over to Kirsty and Kon and help set up the cameras, not wanting to speak to anyone for the moment. However it's not long before I hear footsteps and I'm being whisked up and spun around by a sleepy looking Harry laughing at the scream I let out.
"Put me down I'm gonna heave" I yelped in pain from his tight grip around me.
"Me too, that's made me feel sick as well! How are ya?" Harry asked running a hand over his scruffy blonde hair.
"Yeah I'm hanging a bit but good, you? Ready for today?" I questioned.
"Hanging. Out. My. Arse. Is all I can say, you look like you really enjoyed yourself though, good to see you happy." Harry said with a glimmer in his eyes.
Our conversation was cut short as Vikk shouted us all over for the intro, I'm usually behind the camera these days so this felt extra strange for me.
"So today... we are doing the sidemen football challenge with some help of our friends..." Vikk shouted.
First up was Ethan he had to dribble the ball over a sheet of plastic covered in soap, baby oil and lube, then had to take a penalty from the box then dribble over to the table, chug a pint and stick some beer goggles on before making his way over the the next line to take a penalty at an empty goal, after that he had to take the beer goggles off and weave past two people wrapped in an inflatable ball before taking another penalty at the goal. He successfully managed this after falling over twice and being flung in the air by JJ and Tobi.
Everyone else had a go but myself, Chris and Simon. I started dribbling carefully over the sheet of slippery plastic, Harry was coming at me fast to tackle me? (I thought being a girl I'd get an easy time... oh how I was wrong). Harry ran at me and I was unsure what was coming next, he grabbed me by the arms and tried to take me down but we both just looked like we were dancing together, I gave him a light push and he went down to the ground but quickly got up, he picked me up by the waist and lifted me 180° so I was facing the right way. The beer went down fine but the penalty was absolutely rubbish. Chris and Josh were in the inflatable balls, Josh again ran at me full speed whilst Chris kind of looked at me as if he was saying sorry for what's about to happen, 2 of them... came crashing at me and I ended up on my arse. I crawled through the gap between them and got to the goal before a ball was thrown in for me. I kicked as hard as I could just praying this would be over with and I scored!! I actually scored! The boys allllll erupted with screams and shock. Harry, Ethan and Tobi all ran up to me and Harry picked me up and spun me round shouting. Chris stood back with the rest of the boys looking like he was in a huff and it looked to him like my goal wasn't that good.
"That was sick that." Harry exclaimed.
"That's mad I cannot believe that." Tobi reacted with a huge grin on his face.
Bambino Becky appeared whilst Simon was away to begin his go, she got into the bubble ball and ran right at Simon before they both fell to the ground when they clashed together. She popped into the video and managed to do pretty well considering she doesn't have much experience at football. Chris ran to her screaming with happiness that she had scored too... my heart sank a little knowing she got such a good reception from him but I got almost nothing but a clap.

We wrapped up filming and a few of us decided to go for some food (JJ, Chris, Harry, Simon, Tobi, Randy, Becky and myself). We went for a Nando's and I was sat across from Chris and Tobi and Harry was sat to my left and Becky to my right. There was some usual chat and extremely loud laughs from JJ but Chris seemed to be quite silent.
" you know I thought you were gonna be stinking at football I can't lie to you my friend" Harry piped up.
"Oh. Well I thought the same to be fair, a hair of the dog probably helped." I chirped back.
"You're better than Vikk anyway I'll give you that, you should come film with us more often, you'll bring the views in that's for sure." He replied.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked questioning his answer.
"Uh nothing nothing, just you're really funny and fit in pretty well with the videos." He replied, almost as if he struggled to think of something to say.
"Jheeeze stop flirting you two." Chris hissed.
Ah there it was, was he jealous?? I thought it was just a one night stand kinda thing? We haven't spoken much since last night so I didn't want to bombard Chris with any memories he might not want. Although this morning seemed like he was ok with having a little more happen again. I shot a small smirk to Chris and got one back. Finally, I was still in the good books.
I felt a foot rub against my bare leg and looked up from my pot of vanilla ice cream to see Chris looking at me. We all spoke about video ideas, the charity match coming up and another movie night again at my flat, so with that we wrapped up dinner and all went our separate ways.

I feel like this is shit lmao idk what I'm writing xx
Pls I beg tell me if it's shit xoxo

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