Charity match 2023

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Chris and myself slept at our own apartments last night, he had a lot of prep work to do for the match. Pre-massages, team meetings, last minute kit fittings and ensuring he was well rested so that no injuries would creep up on him. I knew how nervous Chris was for this, especially being on the YouTubers team and not sidemen fc, this made my decision of picking a team to support really difficult. I know the match is for charity so either way I'm happy for whoever wins it's all about raising money for great charities but I can't help secretly wanting YouTube all stars to win just to see Chris' face!

I had 2 hours to get ready before Talia and Freya were coming to get me, they were with Gee and Ellie too so I knew however this ended it would be boozy no matter a win, loose or draw situation. I did quite a full glam make up with some brown eyeshadow and nude lipstick and highlighted to the gods, making sure my hair was straight as it can be hoping it'd stay this way because it'll be a little breezy at times. I made sure that I was really dressed up for the day knowing how dressy Talia and Gee were going to be I didn't want to underdress. I was already with Faith but I couldn't decide what to wear out of two outfits!
"I prefer the jeans and corset top it's hot. The boobs r boobing... a certain someone will be able to spot you a mile off in the crowd." Faith chirped, she was always so genuinely happy for me whatever I did in life and she really liked Chris too even though they weren't close, she saw how smiley and giddy I was and how this new confidence appeared when he came around.
"Yeah I might go with that, I'm not entertaining the last part though."
"You can't deny it, you want him to see you don't you! Plus there's the after party" she added.
"I mean yeah it'd be nice to make the effort for him, just praying he doesn't bottle it on the pitch then it'll be commiseration sex and that's not fun." I said forgetting who I'm with.
"Hahaha nah I am the same I've got a bet on with Ethan so I don't know what I want to happen." Faith replied realising she could potentially owe Ethan a bj depending on how the game goes!

I decide to text Chris before our taxi arrives to wish him luck and to know I'm rooting for him, he probably won't see it but it's the thought that counts.
Y/n- Hey, just thought I'd say good luck for today, I know you'll smash it, look out for me in the stands x
Chris - y/n I am so nervous. X
Y/n - you got this... you're a natural so no need to worry at all. X
Chris - so. Many. People. X
Y/n - I'm nervous for you I can't lie. But... I am right there in the stands for you and I'll see you right after the match! X
Chris - I'm glad you've text, I can't wait to see you after. X
Y/n - I'll pencil you in for a massage after x
Chris - I'd like that very much, I'll be looking for you x
Y/n - Just embrace the moment as you go on the pitch, this is huge for you all and remember to drink plenty of water not pints, looking like a hot day. X
Chris - genuinely, thank you. See you soon, can't wait to give u a big fat kiss. If I score I'll look for you x
Y/n - 💛

——————-a few moments laterrrr—————
Myself and the girls took to our seats which were very close to the front, we had our own little section just behind some fans and just in front of some too, it felt nice being with everyone and not just totally hidden away at the back. The sun was absolutely beaming down onto the pitch but our side of the stand was shaded a little bit. Faith took this opportunity to get some golden hour photos in the sunlight that was close to us and she insisted I be a part of this. I hate photos of myself so I was reluctant to go but mommy Talia gave me a look so I couldn't say no.

Elz and Zuu started hyping up the crowd for the boys to come out the tunnel and that's when my nerves really started to sink in, I wanted Ethan to score so badly in his own teams grounds and really wanted Chris to score so that he would feel a sense of accomplishment, he's so driven in everything he does and it has to be perfect or he's not satisfied... he's a little like that in the bedroom too😮‍💨. The boys had now finished with the Captains words of wisdom before the match and the game was ready to start. 9 minutes in and Ethan got right up to the goal and scored, what an unbelievable moment that was, faith was stood on her chair screaming out loud for him, showing just how proud she was for him.
"Oh my fucking god I can't believe that! In his home teams ground." Faith cried.
"Honestly that was unbelievable, you're getting your home tonight I bet. " I laughed.
"Fuck I'm owe him a BJ....."
"Well well well..."
"Just Chris to score and we will both be having a good night mate."
"Not happening"
"There's still 81 minutes left... you think Chris really won't score? He's better than half of the premier league players" faith laughed in my face knowing how fucked I was.
"Fml, this was supposed to be casual, he won't forget his celebrations tonight after he scores then."

6 minutes later... Chris gets so close to the goal and absolutely smashes the ball which goes flying into the corner of the net. The stadium was flooded with cheers and a roar of applause for the blonde haired boy who was sliding across the grass in celebration. His friends came rushing over to congratulate him for bringing the score to 1-1, he turned to his right and was scanning the crowd before he stretched his arm out and pointed up to me smiling from ear to ear. My heart fluttered a little bit knowing some people are going to know exactly who he is pointing at. I kept clapping and mouthed 'well done' to him as he started jogging back to the centre of the field. My heart was happy that he acknowledged me even in his own moment.

The final minutes came closing in and it was obvious who was going to be the winner, it was a bittersweet feeling even for me! I was happy Chris has scored but gutted that they didn't win, it would have been the icing on the cake for him. The whistle blew 3 times and all the boys walked off the pitch applauding the crowd for their effort, they came back out to walk round the pitch to thank every fan who came out to support their charities. Most of the boys' partners made their way to the locker room to see them all whilst they wrapped up being on the pitch and finished up with doing some post match interviews.
"Let me know the atmosphere in the all stars lockers Kirsty" I said hoping it wouldn't be doom and gloom.
"Get your arse in there with us.. you're basically a wifey anyway" she replied laughing that I even insinuated I wouldn't be going with them.
"Do you think he wants to see me straight after anyway?' I hesitated.
"Absolutely... are you crazy? He didn't point to you for nothing y/n" faith butted in giving me the confidence boost I needed.

So with that we headed down there. Following Faith very closely as I was filled with nerves not knowing what Chris' mood would be like.

Lmao I am terrible with updates oops.
Here's a little one to keep you going. Hope you've enjoyed it all so far xoxo
Pls rate the story
Love u all ya sexy bastards.

Also I wanna do one shots as a seperate story for different ppl hehe maybe George, Arthur, Harry, Tobi etc?? What do y'all think?

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