Sdmn party

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*Warning 🫣smut & a looong chapter* - outfit in photo

I decide that I'm going to make an appearance at the sidemen party tonight, since I've been around everyone a lot more frequently i do feel confident enough to go... that and because I'm utterly fucking obsessed with Chris. The way he's been has really left me wanting more and more. I've got my hair down sitting straight, fake tan done, make up done and I'm waiting on my Uber... I'm slightly late but it doesn't really kick off till 7 but it's now 8pm oops. I slip on my sandals and wait out when I get a text from Chris asking where I am, I don't respond because my driver arrives (sorry but I did warn ya Chris).
I walk in alone, shitting myself and can't find any familiar faces, until I hear Tobi.
"(Y/nnnnnn) you're here, you're actually here?! I'm so proud of you and thankful for you being here! Yo my bad, this is Chris, my good friend, have you met him?" He said super excited and trying to be funny!
I embraced Tobi in a hug and did the same with Chris, god that felt like a long hug, I really didn't want to let go and by how tight his grip was around me I don't think he did either.
"Shit hi, I thought you weren't coming!!" Chris said so happily!
"Yeah well I didn't want to be a bore and here's your hoodie too, that was the reason I HAD to come wasn't it" I replied blushing a little knowing full well why I'm here. He took it from me and placed it in the booth where most of the boys and a few girls were sat.
"Actually you're due me a drink, let's go and see what shit you order me" he said putting a hand on the arch of my back he guided me towards the bright lit up bar full of rows of alcohol waiting to be drank. Tobi gave me a look and waved us off, but I think he knows and I think I know why I'm here.

"Hi can I please get a cocktail with gin in it and a vodka based cocktail for me please." I tried to quietly ask so I could pretend I ordered this cool cocktail for us.
"...and 4 shots of tequila please" Chris added confidently.
"Oh is this your way of taking me home tonight? Getting me absolutely steaming?"
"Oh it's gonna be a messy one tonight, you'll be drinking gin and singing by the end of the night I guarantee it. I'll make sure you enjoy yourself" he snapped back quickly, I don't know what he has planned but I know what I'm hoping for.
"Here's your drinks" the bartender said.... He didn't even tell me which drink is which, one is blue one is red so that's a good start.
We cheersed to our shots and I'm sure Chris is a few drinks deeper than me because his speech before shots was "here's to love, here's to honour, if you can't come in her, come on her".
"Fuck right off that's the best thing I've heard all night." I replied laughing so much I almost choked on my shots.

We walked over to our group of friends which was right in the middle of the dance floor, I needed to figure out which drink is which.
"I don't know what drink is mine, one is blue and one is red... take your pick. And if you pick red because it's arsenals colour I'll smack u silly" I said hesitant to try either incase it's gin.
"Shit well that's me having the blue one then, give it here." He said as he took the blue glass from and we both raised our glasses and took a sip.
Gin... mine was fucking gin.
"You didn't spit it this time you swallowed, I'm impressed" he said blushing at me
"Are you going to be like this all night? Sexual innuendos left right and centre?" I mention as all he's done is talk about sex. I kind of liked it though, it got me a little excited thinking of what could be but I'm trying to behave.

As we let a few more drinks go down we were all up dancing so much, me and Talia were vibing with Beyoncé's beautiful liar, MIA's Bad girls, then Sx had his song come on and he was picking me up and throwing me around like a rag doll but I was having the absolute best time. Drunk in love came on and everyone was linking arms to shoulders and having a dance off and I just slowly started dancing backing up into Chris a little, I knew what I wanted and it was only growing more and more, his hand snaked around the front of my hips and gripped a little harder the closer i got until he was pushing up on me.

Simon kept asking and begging for Talia to sing and it was the cutest thing ever but she just didn't want to do it alone and feel like she's taking the attention from the boys... because I'm about 7 drinks deep who thinks it's a good idea to go up??? Me. We share a mic and are screeching into it her newest song and I can safely say I'm never drinking again because I think I sound good now but in the morning I'll be dying of embarrassment but I have to support my girls.

After I was done embarrassing myself Freya and Tobi come over and ask what's going on with Chris and I, because they've noticed how close we've been.
"All I'm saying is I don't know, it's just a little flirting here and there, I think I know what I want but just going with the flow" I say to them both not wanting to reveal too much to them, I hate pda, I hate being too open about things and I don't like being letdown so I'm saving myself some embarrassment if it goes south.
"Look I've seen how he is with you and he doesn't just act like that for no one, go for it and see what happens" Tobi said looking excited
"I agree, he's fit, your fit just give him a smooch or have you done that already?" Freya playfully asks trying to fish for info from me.
"Nah nothing like that, I mean there's deffo tension between us it's just like a waiting game to see who acts first" I say questioning if I should just make the move. I'm super drunk at this point so I don't want to regret much... but then again I really do like him.

Speak of the devil...
Sorry I lied. Next chapter for the good shit xx

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