The Bubbly Party Planer

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~Twilights POV~

"Welcome to Canterlot High" a girl said to Spike and I

She looked kind of cute, she had pink hair which was poofy, blue eyes and a really pretty face.

"Hello" I said cheerfully back

"My name is Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Pinkie. I know everyone at this school but I don't know you two, so are ya new" she said bouncing up and down while talking really fast

"Hi, um yeah we're new, my name is Twilight Sparkle but you can call me Twi, and this is my little brother Spike" I said back

"Hello" Spike said

"Hi, so what grade are you guys in" Pinkie asked

"I'm in grade 11 and Spike is in grade 9" I said back

"Ooohh me to me toooooo, I'm in grade 11 tooooo" she said bouncing up and down again

"Cool" Spike said

"I'm just gonna go and find the office k sis"

"Yeah sure, see ya" I said waving good bye to Spike

"Can I show you around PLEEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!" Pinkie said almost hitting the ceiling from jumping so high

"Um, yeah sure" I say hesitantly

"YAY!" She said jumping up again

Pinkie is actually pretty cool. She's funny and really helpful. I really hope she can introduce me to people because I don't want to be all alone in school. I'm not the type of person that socializes a lot, but with Pinkie by my side. I'm sure that's not gonna be a problem.

This I going to be a long day.

~Pinkies POV~

So my life isn't perfect. But then again no ones is.

My parents always fight and my dad abuses my three older sisters. Limestone, Marble and Maud. He doesn't hit me because my mom said if he touches me she'll leave and take my sisters and I with her.

She tried to convince him to stop abusing my sisters but he just beat her up as well.

Maud gets hurt the most though because she's the middle child. Limestone and Marble are twins.

I want to help Maud but I don't know how, because of all the abuse my family gets my sisters no longer smile, and my mom doesn't talk anymore.

Limestone used to be the most loving person you could ever meet, but now if you do something little that she doesn't like she'll get really mad and throw things.

Limestone used to be the most loving person you could ever meet, but now if you do something little that she doesn't like she'll get really mad and throw things

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Marble used to be so cheery. She was everyone's friend, but now she's so shy. She doesn't talk to anyone anymore.

Maude used to love making people laugh and making new friends, but now no one talks to her and her best friend is a rock

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Maude used to love making people laugh and making new friends, but now no one talks to her and her best friend is a rock.

Maude used to love making people laugh and making new friends, but now no one talks to her and her best friend is a rock

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At school I pretend to act all cheery but once I get home, it's back to being my lonely boring self. All of my sisters old personalities, I incorporated into my new one for school.

Limes kindness.

Marbles cheeriness.

Maudes funny attitude.

I just really want my family to love each other.

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