Frozen Yogurt

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~Spike's POV~

"Spike" I hear my sister yelling to me from downstairs

"Yeah" I yell back

"I'm leaving to go hangout with the girls now, but don't worry I'll be back to help you set up" I hear her yell

"Ok thx, bye" I yell back


Ok now I have to call the frozen yogurt place to just to make sure they remembered my reservation

Bold words is/are(I always get confused with are and is in this kind of situation) frozen yogurt place
Italicized words is/are Spike


"Hey it's Spike, I scheduled a reservation for 5:30 at Frozen🍦Yogurt. I was just wondering if you remembered my request"

"Yes we remembered your request"

"Ok thx bye"


Perfect it's still happening. Now just to call Bloom.

~Time skip at 5:00 Spikes POV~

"Oh I hope she shows up" I say to my older sister

"Don't worry Spike she'll be here" she says reassuring me

"Yeah and besides I told her that today is free frozen yogurt day. So she'll definitely be her, frozen yogurt if her favourite cold treat" Bloom says laughing

"Ok" I say sighing

"Now go sit at the table I already set everything up" Twilight says pushing me towards the pink and green table that she decorated with rose petals and 4 roses in a pink and green vase.

I love this frozen yogurt café because you can change the tables to any colour you want. The one Sweetie and I will be sitting at is a 2 seater pink and green table. With purple and white lights at the top.

I chose pink and green because that's the colour of both our hair. Then I chose white and purple because those are our favourite colours.

The table the others will be sitting at is lavender because white and purple make lavender. I thought of the colours, I hope she likes it.

~Time skip 10 min later Spike's POV~

I hear the bell from on top of the door ring and I see Sweetie walking in with a beautiful dress on. It's green. It starts skin tight at her chest then flows out around her waist, it's knee length. She sees me and walks over.

"Hey Spike" she says sitting down

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"Hey Spike" she says sitting down

"Hi Sweetie" I say smiling at her "You look nice" I compliment her

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