Science Project part2

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Hey my psychos I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while I had writers block but now I'm back and this is going to be a long chapter because I was away for so long well I better get to writing.

~Twilights POV~

"Come on Twilight being paired with Sunset isn't that bad" Rarity said to me

"Isn't that bad, that girl hates my guts I wouldn't be surprised if while we were doing the project she wouldn't spill all of the chemicals on me" I say waving my hands in the air for more affect

"Do you want me to switch partners with you" she asks

"Thx for being a good friend but no it's all right" I say

"Ok well Trixie is calling me so I'll see you after science" Rarity said before he got up from her seat and went over to Trixie

"Twilight are you coming or are you just gonna stare at the wall all class" can you guess who said that, I'm going to give you a little it starts with sun and ends in immer

"Yeah sorry just thinking" I say while making my way over to her

"So what elements do you want to do" I say to her

"Well Ms.Cheerlie did say we have to pick 3 so I'll choose 2 and you can choose 1" Sunset said

"Um ok" I'm not going to question it because I don't want to get on her even badder side (I know badder isn't a word but I couldn't find what word I needed)

"Um can I chose Sulphur (S)" I say to her

"Yeah sure whatever, I'm going to chose Melonic and Furnomia" Sunset said to me

"Um Sunset those aren't real elements you know that right" I say looking at her weirdly

"Of course I do I was just checking to see if you were paying attention, now that I know you are you can pick the other 2 elements" she said laughing nervously at the first part

"Ok then um we can do........Calcium (Ca) and Silver (Ag)"

"Yeah ok whatever" she said looking away from me.

The science project is for us to mix all 3 of our elements together to see what the reaction is but we have to tell the teacher what our 3 elements are before we try anything, so we don't accidentally blow up the school.

Ms.Cheerlie approved of our 3 elements so Sunset an I got to work. After and hour and 15min of chemistry the bell rang, we only have 2 more days to do our project I've done my half but Sunset hasn't even started hers.

I hope this is individual marking because I don't want to get a bad mark just because Sunset didn't do her job.

"Hey Twilight what elements did you choose" Rarity asked me while we walked out of class

"I choose Sulphur (S), Calcium (Ca), and Silver (Ag), what did you Pick" I asked my purple haired friend

"Trixie and I choose Potassium (K), Tin (Sn), and Neon (Ne)" Rarity said to me

"Oh cool" I say back

"Hey guys" Pinkie said jumping in front and of Rarity and I

"Oh goodness me, Pinkie it's not nice to scare people" Rarity said holding her hand up to her chest

"Oh um sorry" she said laughing

"Let's get to lunch" I say

"Yay food" Pinkie said

~Time skip with Rainbow and Pinkie coming out of English class Rainbows POV~

"Hey Dashy" Pinkie said to me while playing with my hair


"What if you and Fluttershy break up"
I turn to look at her

"Why would you say that"

"Well I don't know it just came to me" she said still playing with my hair

"Don't worry Pinkie nothing is going to happen ever, nothing will become awkward ok"

"Ok" she said smiling her big goofy smile

Pinkie is like my best friend out of all of the girls were just the closest and we spend a lot of time together.

Ugh, what Pinkie said about Fluttershy and I is really getting to me, what if we do break up what will happen to our friendship, will it become awkward. Uhhhhggg Pinkie why did you have to put this inside my brain.

Tada I did it I wrote the longer chapter hopefully you guys like this I have 3 questions for you.
1) What will happen in science class
2) What will happen to Fluttershy and Rainbowdashes relationship
3) What will happen when Rarity gives a dragon

By my little psychos

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