The Shy Animal Lover

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~Twi POV~

"Here we are" Pinkie said stopping suddenly which made me bump into her

"Ouch. Where is here exactly" I say kind of confused we're in the middle of the forest

"This is the forest at the back of our school, she should be around here somewhere" Pinkie said while looking around

I started to here singing coming from my left. I looked over and saw a girl with pink long straight hair.

"FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!" Pinkie said while running to the girl

She looked startled and then turned around. She had soft blue eyes.

"Oh hi Pinkie" The girl said

"Fluttershy this is my new friend Twilight Sparkle but you can call her Twi" Pinkie said while pointing to me

"Hi" I answered back

"Oh hello" she said and waved

"Her name is Fluttershy but you can just call her Shy, she doesn't talk to other people much but I think she will get used to you, so don't worry" Pinkie said with a big smile and talking super fast again

"Pinkie slow down" Fluttershy says

"Sorry. Anyway, she also really loves animals, like a lot" Pinkie said

"Well yes because animals are so nice, innocent and sweet" Fluttershy said back

"Yeah I know" Pinkie said rolling her eyes

"Well anyway, Twilight and I have to go and meet two more people so bye Fluttershy"Pinkie said while waving goodbye

"Bye Fluttershy" I said back

"Bye" she answered going back to singing

~Fluttershys POV~

My family is pretty good. I have a mom, a dad and a really crazy brother. The only thing I don't like is that Zephyr free loads off my parents. And they let him.

They let him because they are afraid that if they don't he'll leave. He's 22 he should be out of the house with a girlfriend right now.

My parents don't like letting go of things they love. Even if it hurts them in the process.

I try to tell them to make Zephyr get a job, but they say he's not ready for that.

I think I should talk to Zephyr instead. Or I can make Rainbow talk to him.

Zephyr is kind of scared of her.

Zephyr is kind of scared of her

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