Movie Drama4️⃣

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~Blitz' POV~
So where in the movie theatre right now and some dumb ass mom brought her like 5 year old son who WONT SHUT UP. I'm literally about to explode and go off on that bitch(the male version of dash swears a lot so sorry to those who are sensitive to it) like who the fuck brings a 5 year old to a movie unless it's Disney or Pixar. Ugh.
"Babe you ok" Fire says as she takes my hand in hers
"Yeah babe I say picking up her hand and kissing it then going back to paying attention to the movie
~After the movies~
"THAT WAS AWSOME" Bubble says while jumping around
"Yes it was but could you please calm down" Elusive says trying to calm Bubble down
"I SAY WE SHOULD GO BACK TO MY HOUSE AND HANG OU-hdisoebrjsocne hanofrbwh" Bubble starts to say before I put my hand over his mouth
"Bubble shut up people are starting to EWWW, did you just lick me" I say in disgust while retracting my hand from Bubbles mouth
"Never interrupt me Blitz, you of all people should know that" Bubble says smiling widely
"Ugh whatever" I say rolling my eyes than smiling
"Alright to my house we go" Bubble says skipping out of the movie theatre
I swear he's secretly gay sometimes.
As we got to Bubbles house Fire got a call saying she needed to get home so I kissed her goodbye and she started walking. Her house was like 6 minutes away from Bubbles and it was still day out so I think she'll be ok.
"Let's play cards against humanity" Aj says
"Yeah" Aj and I prop eachother
"Is it inappropriate" Butter says looking down
"No" I said the same time as Bubble said yes
We looked at eachother I glared at him and he just smiled that stupid goofy grin he always had on his stupid cute face
"I don't know if I want to play" Butter says walking backwards to leave Bubbles house
"Oh your not going anywhere" I say to Butter chasing him around the house
Butter and I always did this when we were young. I would always want to do something we weren't supposed to and he would always try to run before I could get him, but he always fails to realize that I'm 20 times faster than him.
"Gotcha" I say grabbing him by the waist
"Aw come on Blitz can I just sit this one out, please" he says pouting
"Awww ok I feel bad" I say looking guilty
"Really" he says smiling
"Nope" I say picking him up, throwing him over my shoulder and walking back into the living room
Butter is really little. He's about 5'5 and weighs like 110 pounds. He's so cute and little. I'm probably the heaviest out of all of them because I'm really muscular. I'm 5'10 and I weigh 156 pounds. Aj is also 5'10 and he weighs 150. Dusk is 5'8 and weighs 143, he plays basketball now, he's on my team. He actually isn't bad, just a little more practice and he'll be almost as good as me, almost. Elusive is 5'6 and weighs 124, and Bubble is 5'6 and weighs 120.
"Alright let's start" Elusive says giving us each our correct number of cards

So sorry that I haven't been updating but I will try to make a schedule I will update this book every to weeks😊

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