Rarity's Daughter

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~Rarity's POV~

And guess what my daughters a......

"Rarity! Your daughter is beautiful" said the nurse before I could finish my sentence in my head

"Oh thank you"

"Can I ask you a question dear" she asks me softly

"Yeah sure" I say nicely back

"Why is your daughters hair yellow"

"Um I'm not to sure about that but she does have my eyes"

"Rarity she's beautiful" AJ says beside me

"Thx AJ" I say smiling over to her

AJ furrows her eyebrows as if she is confused

"You ok there AJ" I say to her curiously

"Yeah it's just that, why does she have my hair" AJ says looking at me

Now that she mentions it the yellows are the same

"Huh I-i don't know"

"Would you like me to take a DNA test on Applejack and your daughter, by the way she needs a name" says the nurse that's still in the room

"Oh yes please" AJ says to the nurse

"Her name is......."

I know short. Sorry but I forgot to ask you guys to name Rarity's baby so please name the baby, also should the daughter be a pony or human.

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