Too Much Drama

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~Aj's POV~
Today is Diamonds first birthday and I can't wait. I got her the perfect present I hope she will like it.

"Come on Applejack or were going to be late" I here my sister yelling at me from downstairs

"I'm coming one sec"

I run downstairs grab my keys and Bloom and I are out the door.

I'll give you all a recap of what happened this past year.

First about 2 weeks after Diamond was born Spike and Sweetiebelle announced that they were dating, i think that they make an adorable couple.

Second Twilight and Pinkie are going out as well. It was pretty cute how Pinkie asked out Twilight.(The next chapter will be about how Pinkie asked out Twilight and how Spike asked out Sweetie)

Third Diamond can talk now and walk. She calls me her second mommy, I think it's weird but Rarity thinks it's cute.

Fourth Rainbow and Fluttershy are on hold, well I think that because whenever they see eachother they just walk in the opposite direction, also when we go over to another's house to hang they don't kiss, hug, or even talk to each other.

Fifth Shy's bunny died a couple months ago. She was really sad she wouldn't come out of her room for weeks. I mean I don't blame her, her mother gave her that bunny two days before she left. That was all Fluttershy had left from her mother.

Anyways I have to go to Rarity's for the party.

~Time skip at Rarity's house Twilight's POV~

Omg did you know that Pinkie and I are dating. It was so sweet how she asked me out. I think I love her and she loves me. Anyway I got Diamons some really cute toys to play with and Pinkie got her a party canon that refills it's self.

"You know why Rainbow" Fluttershy says walking out of the kitchen

"Well at least their talking again" I say to my girlfriend

"More like yelling" she says back

"And I said I was sorry, I really am" Rainbow say to Shy

"I can never forgive you, you knew how much it meant to me and yet you still did it" she says starting to cry

Oh no I hate seeing Shy cry. I walk over to her and ask her what's wrong while I hug her

"I think I can tell you guys now" Shy says talking to Pinkie, Rarity, Aj, and I

"Ok let's go to my room, I have to go check on Rose anyways she fell asleep after opening all her presents" Rarity says to all of us

As we walk up the stairs I look back at Rainbow who looks really nervous.

"You ok Rainbow" I say

"Huh, oh y-yeah I'm fine" she says looking down

"Are you sure" I say to her

All she does is nod her head yes.

"Ok" I say continuing to walk up the stairs.

When we get into Rarity's room we all sit on her carpeted floor. Rarity is sitting beside Aj with Diamond in her lap. Next to Aj is Pinkie who is sitting beside Shy, who is sitting beside me, who is sitting beside Rainbow.

If that is confusing it is Rarity, Diamond(on Rarity's lap), Aj, Pinkie, Shy, me, and Rainbow.

"Ok Shy spill" Rarity says to Shy

"Well when I came home from the animal hospital that I work at Rain iq was there, she looked really sad and confused. I asked her what was wrong and all she sad was that she was really sorry and started to cry, at first I thought she was breaking up with me, but when I looked to see what was in her hands, I-I saw Angle(angle is her bunny's name).

Angle was dead Rainbow killed her, she told me that she wanted to suprise me with a dog, but the dog was from the pound and was very viscous, so when it saw Angle it attacked her. I yelled and cried for Rainbow to get out. She kept saying she was sorry but I wasn't having any of it. So that is why I've been so upset and why Rainbow and I are no longer talking" Shy says

"Wow that's a lot to take in" Pinkie says

"Pinkie!" Rarity says to my girlfriend

"Oh sorry" she says looking down

We all go over to Shy and hug her.

"Were really sorry Shy, but Rainbow didn't mean it she was only trying to be a good girlfriend" I say to her

"Are you serious it's all Rainbows fault, she should of known not to go to the pound and get a dog, they are all vicious" Pinkir says to me

"What Rainbow was just trying to be nice, she didn't mean to kill Angle" Aj says

I can already see where this is going since Pinkie is better friends with Shy than Rainbow, she chose Rainbows side. And since Aj is better friends with Rainbow that with Shy she chose Rainbows side. Now it's just Rarity and I left to decide, but I think it's a stupid argument, it's makes no sense. We have to let them settle it. We can't just interfere. I don't know I don't like being stuck in the middle of things. For now Rarity and I are on our own sides.

Which side should Rarity go on?
Which side should Twilight go on?
Are Rainbow and Fluttershy going to reslove this problem or be broken up forever?
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter until next time bye my psychos

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