Gender Bender3️⃣

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~Rainbow's POV~
Phoenix Fire. WTF! I have a freaking girlfriend named Phoenix Fire, I don't remember any boy in my school having their name to do with fire so who could that be.
"Oh hey um babe, what's up"
"Nothing really just called to see what your up too"
"Oh I'm just at Dusk Shine's house right now, have to ask him a couple of questions"
"Oh ok well I hope you get the answers you need see you at school tomorrow bye babe"
"K bye"

"Was that your girlfriend again" Dusk says to me rolling his eyes
"What you don't like her" I say confused
"You always complain that she's to clingy, that she always wants to know where you are. At all times" he says
"Oh yeah ha I forgot about that part of her" I say back
That was all that I heard before everything went black

I hear someone yelling my name
"Huh" I open my eyes to find my 5 friends standing around me and my girlfriend Fire
"Woah what happened to me"
"You were at my house, you said you wanted to ask me something then Fire called, after you finished talking  you collapsed" Dusk says
"Well that's new, I'm not the type of person to just faint like that. I'm really healthy" I say to my friends
"Maybe you just felt a little dehydrated" Butter pipes in
"No that can't be it Blitz doesn't go anywhere without his water bottle" AJ says to Butter
"Maybe he was stressed" Bubble says smiling wide
"Yeah that could be it" Dusk replied
"Oh my poor Blitzy Witzy. Are you ok baby" my girlfriend says to me
"I told you to stop calling me that it's annoying and yeah I'm fine" I say getting up
"Sorry babe just got caught up in the moment is all, it won't happen again" she says hugging me
"It's ok" I say kissing her head
"So we still on for tonight" Dusk says to everyone
"Yeah" we all say just not at the same time
"We're watching Doctor Strange right" Butter says just to clarify
"Yup" Bubble says popping the p
"Alright well I got to go home to get ready, come on babe. Bye guys we you later" I say grabbing Fire's hand and waving with the other while we walk out the door
"What about your question" Dusk yells after me
I asked him a question?
"Oh I can't remember bye" I say waving again
Fire and I walk all the way to my house, it wasn't that far only about 8 minutes. When we got there I went into the shower, after me Fire went in. She basically has her own closet at my house so she comes over a lot and stays the night. In her own room. I know what you guys are thinking. No we didn't do it yet. No we won't do it till she's ready, she already told me all that.
"Come on Blitz, how long does it take you to do your hair" I hear my girlfriend laugh at me
"Ugh, I hate my hair" I yell throwing the brush in the counter and tying my hair into a ponytail. I have pretty long hair it's up to my shoulders.
"Do you want me to help you" she says walking over to me
"Yes please" I say looking down and biting my lip piercing
"Your so adorable" she says giggling
"I am not, I am hot and that's it no cute adorable or anything like that" I say pouting
"What did I say a-dor-a-ble" she says giggling at my "cuteness" again
"Whatever" I say sitting in my desk chair and handing Fire my brush
"Ugh I love your hair it's always so soft" she says massaging my head
I groaned as a reply
"Ok I'm done now lets go"
"Ok, thanks babe" I say kissing her gently on the lips
Movies here we come

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