I Love You❤️ Part 1

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Before I start this chapter, the previous chapter that was called "FlutterDash/TwiPie/RariJack" was not apart of the story just a filler so I hope I didn't confuse you, also I will do a bunch of those in between some chapters so yeh. Now on with the chapter.

~Twilights POV~

I love my friends so much. And I love sleepovers, we've probably had about 7 in the past 4 months. Yeah 4 months has passed since I first came here. They still haven't found out Spike and I's secret, so, that's a relief.

~Rarity's POV~

Today I woke up at the usual time 6:00. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, took a shower and did my hair and makeup. I felt like something was off, I don't know what but I felt un easy today and very, very tired, but I just shrugged it off and went downstairs.

"Morning Rarity" Belle said

"Morning" I said tiredly

"Why do you sound so tired dear" my mom said "Did you not have enough sleep last night"

"No I did I went to bed at 10, I just feel off today is all" I say back

"Ok sweetie I hope you feel better" my mom said sweetly

"Me too mom and thanks, come on Sweetie belle we don't want to be late"

"But it's only 7:30" she wined

"Exactly and school starts at 8:00 so let's go" I say impatiently

"Fine" she said while slumping off the chair and towards the door

"Bye mom" I say as Sweetie Belle and I walk out the door

"Bye honey, bye Sweetie and be nice" she replied back

"I will, I will bye" Sweetie says back

Why such a short chapter I don't really know the answer to that. I went back through all the chapters to edit them and saw that I didn't finish this one for some reason. I don't even know where I was going with this, sorry but anyway hope you liked this chapter lol byeeeeee

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