The Secret

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~Twilight's POV~

Dear diary,
I've never told anyone this before but my brother and I did something bad, like really really bad. Not even my big brother knows. We told him the reason we wanted to switch schools was because we where getting bullied, but that wasn't the case.

The truth is that Spike and I we....well we...ughhhhhhh. WE PUT SOMEONE IN THE HOSPITAL. Well we actually put 3 people in the hospital, our old friends and a girl named Derpy Muffin.

We didn't mean to hurt them we had no control. So Derpy and I weren't the best of friends, actually we where enemies, this was back in grade 9 and Spike was in grade 7. So she told me she would hurt my family and if you knew Derpy you would know that she never lied, so well I told Spike and he suggested that we talk to her first before she gets to us, and I agreed.

So that night Spike and I called Derpy and took off the caller ID. Spike spoke and said that he was the track teams couches son and that his dad would like to speak to Derpy. She accepted, we met her at the park and we tried talking to her, but she wouldn't listen. She said someone was already at our house, killing our parents.

Spike screamed no, but then all of a sudden Spike started glowing green. Derpy and I stepped back and then the next thing we knew, Derpy was on the floor with a spike through her stomach. I was terrified so I started running, but then I tripped and broke my wrist from the impact of the fall.

So naturally I started crying. Then I started glowing purple. The last thing I saw was Spike walking towards me. I woke up in the hospital with Shining Armour sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. He told me that someone murdered our parents and that a girl named Derpy was found almost dead not to far away from me. I was really confused, so I thought that Spike and I were the ones who caused our parents death. Some girl from our school saw it all and we had to leave the next year because they kept on calling us murderers, but they thought that it was only rumours.

Shining Armour was sympathetic to us, so he sent us to a different school and now we're here. Thanks for listening diary I really needed to get that off my chest.
Twilight Sparkle.

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